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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Five doctoral students of M. Kozybayev NKSU have successfully defended their dissertations

For the first time in the history of our university, doctoral dissertations were defended in online mode at ZOOM. Under the conditions of a declared emergency in the country, the distance form of final certification became the optimal completion of the educational process in doctoral studies at M. Kozybayev NKSU. The debut was successful and the work of our scientists was appreciated. The defense procedure lasted almost 12 hours. In addition to domestic doctoral candidates, scientific consultants from near and far abroad were assigned.

As a result, all members of the Dissertation council unanimously voted “yes” for the award of the PhD degree to the following doctoral students:

- Savostina Galina Vladimirovna;

- Koshekova Bibigul Viktorovna;

- Iklasova Kainizhamal Yesimseitovna;

- Ratushnaya Tatyana Yurievna;

- Latypov Sergey Ildusovich.

All of them studied at the Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies with the educational programs “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”, “Computer Science”, “Computer Engineering and Management”, “Mechanical Engineering” and “Electric Power Engineering”.

Actual works were presented on the following topics: “Development of methods for digital processing and intelligent analysis of electrocardiographic signals for an infocommunication diagnostic system”, “Development of methods and infocommunication systems for searching for operational earthquake precursors based on intelligent analysis of seismograms”, “Development of a decision support system for university management based on indicative indicators”, “Development of an innovative technology for the restoration of the blades of complex geometry of steam and gas turbines of thermal power plants using highly concentrated sources of plasma energy”,“ Development of an intelligent diagnostic system and monitoring of power equipment”.

Congratulations to scientists on the successful defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)!
