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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Круглый стол

13.03.2013 Прошел круглый стол «Цитирование или плагиат?» в рамках подготовки к выполнению курсового проекта по информационным системам. Отв. за проведение: доц. Куликова В.П. (М) проф. Куликов В.П. (ИС). Участники: студенты группы Ин(е)-10.

16 July 2013
March 8th in NKSU named after M.Kozybaev

According to tradition, on the eve of March 8 our university held a solemn meeting for all female employees, academic staff and students of the university. The room was in an atmosphere of celebration: smiles sparkled, warm words were heard everywhere. Rector of NKSU named after M.Kozybaev Undasyn Ashimov congratulated everyone on International W...

11 March 2013
Полуфинал университетской лиги КВН

В университете прошли полуфинальные игры КВН на русском языке, в них принимали участие сборные 8-ми факультетов и Института языка и литературы. По традиции, игры проводились в течении двух дней, по их итогам в финал прошли сборные факультетов информационных технологий, истории и права, физической культуры, естественно-географического, а так же кома...

06 March 2013

5.03.2013 Преподаватель кафедры "Иностранные языки" Степаненко В.Г. провела конкурс на лучший поэтический перевод с английского языка на русский стихотворения "Love me" в рамках Дней Науки.

02 April 2013
Жігіт сұлтаны

Конкурсы среди мужчин проводятся редко, но в нашем университете уже во второй раз прошел конкурс «Жігіт сұлтаны». В этом году участниками стали 11 ребят со всех факультетов нашего вуза. Выйти на сцену и показать себя – задание не из легких. Ведь соперники сильные и в выступлении важна каждая мелочь. Перед жюри стоял нелегкий выбор. И пока они о...

02 March 2013
Olympiad for schoolchildren

On February 23 Institute of Language and Literature held a linguistic Olympiad for schoolchildren of Petropavlovsk. 210 schoolchildren from 34 schools took part in it. They competed in the knowledge of Kazakh, Russian, English and German languages. Before the beginning of competitions, each Department of the Institute presented their specialties.

26 February 2013
My future profession

On 22 February NKSU named after M. Kozybayev held Regional Conference "My future profession", where NKO law enforcement authorities and the service center of the population introduced to the students of history and law faculty new points of the legislation about employment. Dean of History and Law Faculty Sabyr Ibraev opened the conference. He tha...

25 February 2013
Tan Sholpan

On February 15 in NKSU named after M. Kozybayev there was the IV-th regional competition of vocal performance "Tan Sholpan". 30 young talents from all over the city of Petropavlovsk and North-Kazakhstan region took part in this competition. This contest was devoted to the 35th anniversary of Music and Education Faculty. It was very difficult for t...

21 February 2013
New specialties

NKSU named after M.Kozybaev got a license for educational activity on three new bachelor specialties: 5B090600 Cultural and leisure work (Chair of musical disciplines) 5B072700 Technology of food products (Chair of Organic Chemistry and   Macromolecular Chemistry), 5B080200 Production technology of livestock products (Chair of Agriculture), with fu...

20 February 2013
The implementation at the university the tasks of the President’s message

14/02/2013. The University held a scientific-practical conference "Problems of NKSU named after M.Kozybaev in the light  of the RK President N.A. Nazarbayev – the leader of the nation – message to Kazakhstan people "Strategy of Kazakhstan - 2050": a new policy of established state". Representatives of the information propaganda group, which arrive...

15 February 2013
Discussion of the youth policy concept

05.02.2013. In NKSU named after M.Kozybaev there was a meeting of republican youth organizations branches activists with the Head of the Office for NKO Youth Policy Victor Molodovskij where they discussed in detail the Concept of State Youth Policy. "The future of our country is in the hands of young people. The state needs motivated, responsible ...

07 February 2013
To be a donor is the honorable mission of every person

30-31 January 2013 in the Regional Blood Center there was "Donor Day". Teachers and students of our university took part in it. We express our gratitude to the donors for helping seriously ill people in hospitals of our town and region: Абдрахманова Л. Бабаков О. Батуринец Д.С. Бекмагамбетов Н. Вегеле В. Викто...

01 February 2013

Pages about subdivisions of innovation and instruction service are added: Computer testing department Sector of distance learning Innovation and education technologies center

31 January 2013
Круглый стол "Духовно-нравственное совершенствование личности"

29.01.2014 для студентов первого и второго курсов был проведен круглый стол "Духовно-нравственное совершенствование личности", в ходе которого были обсуждены цели, задачи и средства духовно - нравственного развития студентов.

30 April 2014
Majilis deputy Visit

17.01.2013. The purpose of Majilis deputy Lieutenant General, Dr. of Military and Historical Sciences Abay Tasbulatov’s visit to our university was explanation of the main points of the President's message "Kazakhstan Strategy-2050". As a member of informational propaganda group, he has already visited a few areas of the North-Kazakhstan region, as...

21 January 2013
Good News

Our compatriots came back from Kickboxing Asian Championship, which was held 25-30 December in India, with a victory. One of them is our student - Rauan Smagulov. The family, the University staff and students met him at the station. 400 athletes from 19 states took part in a competition that took place in the Indian city Puna. Kazakhstan team won ...

15 January 2013
The best teacher of the university - 2012

December 28, 2012 at the KZ Ministry of Education and Science under the chairmanship of B.T. Zhumagulov there was a meeting of the Republican competition committee for the title "The best university teacher - 2012". From our University the holders of the title "The best university teacher" were Tayshybay Zarkyn Syzdykuly, PhD, Associate Professor (...

11 January 2013
Mutalap Kangozhin 75th anniversary

A literary-musical evening "Қызылжардан есен леп" took place at our university on the 20th of December 2012. It was devoted to the 75th anniversary of a poet, a journalist, an honorary citizen of our town Mutalap Kangozhin. Mutalap aga is well- known as a journalist, a poet, an honorary citizen. Colleagues, contemporaries, friends, academic staff a...

22 December 2012
Jokes were appropriate

The game KVN is held traditionally at our university. On December 6-7, there was a game between students’ teams in the state language. The theme of this season was "Біз - талантты жастармыз". Our students have once again proved that they are talented young people. KVN games have become one of the favorite students’ activities. The 11th season of t...

13 December 2012
Academic mobility programs in action

According to the program of academic mobility in our university from November 26 to December 8, Vladimir Evdokimov gives master classes and delivers lectures for students studying at the speciality "Journalism". He is Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of Journalism and Mass Communications Department of Omsk Humanities Academy. According to Vl...

05 December 2012
Siberian gems

Student of natural geographical faculty Evgeny Gryaznov won an international music festival "Siberian gems", held in Omsk. Winner of the contest was a student of the same faculty Anush Ziroyan. They were in the nomination "pop vocal". Professional artists and amateurs took part in this festival. In total more than 5000 people. The chairman of the j...

29 November 2012
Smart House

Imagine that you come into the flat and the light turns on automatically, the fan in response to heat and cold in the room, switches on and off itself, thus maintaining a comfortable temperature for you. Students of multidisciplinary NKSU College Nicolai Pershin and Sergei Fedorov were able to realize it but only in the model. They are the 3d year ...

29 November 2012
Lecture "Елбасы - the fate of the country"

11/21/2012. December 1, with the entire country we will celebrate Day of the First President. There were several events dedicated to this date in our university. "Елбасы - the fate of the country" - that was the name of a lecture held for teachers and students by associate professor of history, social and humanitarian disciplines Zaure Cartova. D...

23 November 2012
II Congress of "Жас Отан" Youth Wing

24 delegates from our university took part in the II Congress of "Жас Отан" Youth Wing, held on November 16 in Astana.  The main event of the Congress, as participants told, was the speech of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, where he said that from the first days of independence, support for young people has always been the focus of public policy. ...

23 November 2012
Won in a photo contest

14/11/2012 From September to October 2012 Republican Center of military-patriotic assosiations "Жас Қыран" by KZ Ministry of Education and Science held photo competition on the theme "I am a Patriot of Kazakhstan". Our students participated in this contest and showed good results. Goaarik Abrahamyan, the 3rd year student of the Multipurpose NKSU Co...

15 November 2012