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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

On the opening of applications for the January UNT 2022

We inform you that from December 24 to January 5, applications for the January UNT 2022 will be accepted.

Testing will take place from January 10 to February 10, 2022.

Applications for the UNT are accepted on the website

In this testing can participate:

  • students of the final 11 (12) grades of secondary education organizations for admission to the university on a fee basis at will;
  • persons enrolled in a full-time university on a paid basis, who did not score a threshold score according to the results of the UNT, with UNT results with inappropriate combinations of specialized subjects, with canceled UNT results for further enrollment in the university on a paid basis in a calendar year;
  • students studying at a university in a group of educational programs that require creative training and who want to transfer to other groups of educational programs on a paid basis;
  • students who want to transfer to a group of educational programs in the field of education "Pedagogical sciences" on a paid basis. 

The cost of testing is 5640 tenge.

When registering, the test takers themselves choose the DATE, TIME and PLACE of the UNT.

IMPORTANT: Save your username and password from your Personal Account until the end of testing. When submitting an application, carefully read the testing rules.
