From 05.01.2022 to 24.01.2022 inclusively, applications of students applying for a discount on tuition fees will be accepted in the order of an "electronic queue" in the SSRC located in the lobby of the 1st floor of the 2nd building, or by e-mail of the Student Service and Registration Center
List of documents:
1) Application to the Member of the Board of Academic Affairs;
2) Transcript;
3) Supporting documents according to the type of discount:
1. For individuals left without parental care, orphans - 10% discount from tuition fees for the entire period of study; those who have successfully completed the examinations for the academic year with grades A, A- 20% discount from tuition fees for one academic period provided that the student has not had a retake of the final examinations with grades “FX”, “F” corresponding to the equivalent of “unsatisfactory”
List of documents:
2. Individuals with disabilities have a 10% discount on the tuition fee for one academic period, provided that the student has only A-, A-, B+, B-, C+ grades and has not passed the retake of the final examination with a grade of “FX”, “F” corresponding to the equivalent of "unsatisfactory":
List of documents:
3. Children of employees of NKU named after M.Kozybaev have 10% discount from the cost of education for one academic period, provided that the student has only grades A, A-, B +, B, and did not pass retake final examination with the assessment “FX”, “F” corresponding to the equivalent of "unsatisfactory":
List of documents:
4. Representatives of families, studying at NKU named after M. Kozybaev two or more members of the family simultaneously (each family member) are granted a discount of 10% of tuition fees for one academic period on the provision of supporting documents and provided that students have only grades A, A-, B +, B and have not passed retake the final control with the assessment “FX”, “F” corresponding to the equivalent of "unsatisfactory":
List of documents:
5. Representatives of families with many children as well as families (4 or more minor children or full-time students up to the age of 23), and families in which both parents are physically handicapped or retired are granted a discount of 5% of the tuition fee for the academic year on presentation of supporting documents and on condition that the student has only A, A-, B+, B grades and has not retaken the final examination with grades “FX”, “F” corresponding to the equivalent of "unsatisfactory":
List of documents:
6. The winners and prize-winners of national subject olympiads and Republican competition of research works are provided a lump-sum discount for one academic period: for the 1st place - at the rate of 10% of the tuition fee; for the 2nd place - at the rate of 7% of the tuition fee; for the 3rd place - at the rate of 5% of the tuition fee:
List of documents:
7. Holders of "Altyn belgi", are granted a one-time discount for one academic period at the rate of 20% of the tuition fee:
List of documents:
8. Athletes, members of the national teams of the Republic of Kazakhstan, participating in the World Championships - a one-time discount in the amount of 10% of the cost of training is provided for one academic period:
List of documents:
9. Individuals without parental care, orphans, as well as individuals with disabilities are granted a discount of 50% of the cost of one credit for additional educational services (elimination of academic differences, re-credit of prerequisite disciplines):
List of documents: