For applicants For learners For teachers For Heads of Departments For Deans Electronic administration Documentolog Қаз Рус Eng
Подать заявку на заселение в общежитие
Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

About the reception of applications for the transfer and reinstatement of students

Applications for the transfer and reinstatement of students will be accepted until January 20, 2022, inclusive, until 1 pm in the order of "electronic queue" at the Student Service and Registration Center located in the lobby of the 1st floor of 2nd building.



List of documents:

 1) application for transfer/reinstatement according to the form;

2) copy of the ID card;

3) copy of the certificate of the holder of an educational grant (if any);

4) document on mastered educational programs (academic transcript or transcript);

5) the document on the completion of the previous level of education, which passes the procedure of nostrification in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) results of entrance examinations for admission to foreign educational organizations

7) a receipt about payment of tuition fees;

8) contract on providing educational services.
