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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

On the competition to fill the vacant position of NPJSC “M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University”

“M. Kozybayev NKU” NPJSC announces a competition to fill a vacant position:

General Manager of digitalization 

 Documents required for participation in the competition:

1. application for participation in the competition;

2. personal sheet for personnel records;

3. autobiography, presented in any form;

4. copy of the identity card;

5. medical certificate in the form 075/u;

6. copies of educational documents;

7. criminal record certificate;

8. certificate from the psycho-neurological dispensary and drug rehab clinic;

9. work record book.

Documents are accepted within 15 calendar days from the date of publication of the announcement at the address: st. Pushkin 86, building 2, room. 219.

Phone: 8 (7152) 369468.
