The Council of Young Scientists of Kozybayev University held a contest "The World of science through the eyes of a student". Its participants had to publish their videos, up to three minutes long, where they presented student scientific activities at the university. These are sketches, backstages from laboratories and practices, work with a supervisor, activities within student scientific societies, a story about your scientific project, etc. In total, 14 applications were received from students of AF, PF, FMNS, and ILL.
The winners were two contestants. According to the results of the audience voting in the Microsoft Forms system, among students, teaching staff and university staff, the first place was taken Alimova Dilnaz, a student of the ILL, group FL-19k-2. The second winner was chosen by the competition commission: Zhumabek Kasiyet, student of the FMNS, group B(o)-22. Both winners were awarded diplomas and cash prizes in the amount of 50,000 tenge from budget of The Council of Young Scientists. All the contestants received certificates.