on 18 February a team members of ASIIN german accreditation agency have arrived at our HEI. The team members are Prof. Dr. Madhukar Chandra, Prof. Dr. Harald Loose, Dr.-Ing. Klaus Pasemann, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Rappl, Prof. Dr. Dietmar Saupe, Master Anastasiya Krasnyuk, Prof. Dr. in technical science Manat Beyshenovich Tlebaev and Representative from ASIIN Office Marie-Isabel Zirpel. They should to define the compliance of degree programmes of the university 5В071900 Radioengineering, electronics and telecommunications, 6М071900 Radioengineering, electronics and telecommunications, 5В070300 Information systems, 6М070300 Information systems, 5B011100 Computer science with the international quality criteria.
First day they have met with the administration of the university and coordinators of degree programmes, where discuss the issues of further development of the university, position of the programs in the context of the university, organization of studies and management of teaching, quality assurance. At the second part of the day representatives of the agency have visited the museum of the history of NKSU named after M.Kozybayev, observatorium and buildings №4, №5.
The program of the second day provided a meeting of students and teaching staff.
At the final meeting peers shared their impressions with the administration of the university and coordinators of degree programmes. Later agency will send the detailed report on the accreditation visit.
The final decision on assessment of degree programmes will be made by the Accreditation Council of ASIIN.
Earlier the agency have accredited 3 specialties of NKSU named after M.Kozybayev 5В071800 Electric Power Engineering, 6M071800 Electric Power Engineering and 5В071600 Instrument Engineering for 5 years.