From 10 to 12 October around the world carried out the Erasmus Days 2019. This is an annual event, in which last year more than 1400 events were held in 39 countries to exchange experience in the implementation of projects of the European Union "Erasmus+", to inform the General public about the changes that took place at the level of universities, the education system, society as a whole. This time of M. Kozybaev NKSU has also become part of this global initiative.
Erasmus+ is an EU program aimed at promoting the modernization and sustainable development of the education system, vocational training, youth policy and sports. It provides financial opportunities for cooperation in all these areas, both between European States and with partner countries around the world. The program is implemented in four areas: international credit mobility (short-term training and internships in Europe); master's degrees Erasmus Mundus (training in two or more universities in different countries); Jean Monnet (supports research in the field of mainstreaming of the EU; improving the capacity of higher education.
Rector of M. Кozybayev NKSU, member of the national team of Erasmus+ experts, doctor of economic Sciences Serik Omirbayev said that our University is currently implementing 5 projects within the framework of "Erasmus+". They are carried out in the development of innovative programs on microelectronic engineering, precision agriculture, transition to autonomy of higher education institutions in Kazakhstan and others. At the event, the participants spoke in more detail about each of them.
Also on this day, the Erasmus+ Project office was opened at the University. Now students, undergraduates and teachers participating in this global project will be able to discuss new ideas, model their activities and develop projects here.
In addition, our Alma mater has done a great job on the internationalization of education: signed more than 150 cooperation agreements with organizations and universities, 30 States, implemented double-degree programs 9, 2017 invited 5 foreign top managers, more than 200 students took part in academic mobility.