For the first time in Kazakhstan, the project "Medical Volunteers" was launched, in which students of HSM of M. Kozybayev NKSU take an active part. It will contribute to the broad education of the population on the prevention of various diseases, increase the prestige of medical professions, the formation of human resources for the health care industry.
On October 10, the University held a presentation of the project initiated by the "Bolashak" CF in North Kazakhstan region" on the state social order of the Youth Department of the Akimat of the North Kazakhstan region.
Academic compliance officer of the project office "Sanaly urpaq" of M. Kozybaev NKSU Petrov Bogdan spoke about the experience of a similar movement in Russia, where students of medical universities and colleges provide voluntary assistance to those in need. This direction of volunteering is just emerging in our country. However, there are already many willing.
So far, since the project is a pilot, only 10 "pioneers" will be able to qualify, - said its coordinator Rustem Armanov. Qualified General practitioners and rehabilitologists will teach children to provide first aid, apply methods of physical therapy. Volunteers will also carry out preventive measures.
Note that in General, the voluntary movement in the M. Kozybayev NKSU is actively developing. Today, more than 300 people are involved.