On October 16, the Center of the Italian language and culture was opened at M. Kozybaev NKSU. The initiative for its creation belongs to the vice-rector for internationalization Alessandro Figus and is dedicated to the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci. This is the only center in Kazakhstan that will teach Italian for students and schoolchildren. The first group of children has already been trained here, some of them went on academic mobility to universities in Italy. The knowledge they receive is absolutely free.
At the event, the rector of M. Kozybaev NKSU Serik Omirbayev noted: “The opening of this Center is dictated by the imperative of the time, as multilingualism is becoming the norm in our society. And knowledge of as many languages and cultures as possible always enrich people. The students expressed a desire to learn Italian, and we created the conditions for the realization of their capabilities. ”
The opening ceremony was attended by professors from the Italian universities of Link, Genoa, Palermo. They expressed confidence that this platform will become an additional step for fruitful inter-university cooperation, will bring our cultures together.