In order to implement the Program of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "National Plan 100 concrete steps", on October 11, 2019, the government Decree No. 752 "On some issues of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" was issued. According to which the Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "North Kazakhstan state University named after Manash Kozybayev" MES RK reorganized by transformation into a non-profit joint stock company "North Kazakhstan University named after Manash Kozybayev" with one hundred percent participation of the state in the authorized capital.
It should be noted that this decision affected not only the M. Kozybayev NKSU, but also 27 state universities of Kazakhstan, which were also transformed into NPJSC. It should be noted that in 2018 KazNAU and Karaganda Medical University underwent the transformation.
In case of transition to a new form of ownership, the rights of ownership and use of state shares of the established companies will be transferred to the Ministry of education and science.
The founder of the NPJSC is the Government of Kazakhstan represented by Committee of state property and privatization of Ministry of Finance, as the sole shareholder – MES. With the transition to the NPJSC, universities will have more freedom in the management of educational programs, property and financial assets, profits will be directed only to the development of the University and the strengthening of the material and technical base.
The University will be able to:
1) create an endowment Fund that will attract funding from graduates, employers and other stakeholders. The University will be able to use them for the payment of scholarships to talented students, as well as the establishment of educational and research grants, research funding;
2) to create legal entities for scientific and educational activities at the expense of extra-budgetary sources, which will bring to a new level the commercialization of the results of scientific research of scientists;
3) open start-up companies and implement entrepreneurial initiatives of students and teachers;
4) to attract additional sources of financial and material resources for the implementation of statutory activities. The University will be able to independently dispose of income from the rental of premises such as dining rooms and canteens.
5) establish branches in foreign countries.
During the transition to the NPJSC, the principles of corporate governance will be actively implemented. The Board of Directors will be created, which will include representatives of the MES as the main shareholder, as well as independent Directors – representatives of the public and social partners on a competitive basis. Some of the issues that were within the competence of the rector and Vice-rectors will go to the Board of Directors and the management Board. For example: approval of the structure of the University, staffing, salary, control over the effectiveness of corporate governance of the University.
At the moment, the University has approved an action plan for the transition to the NAO. A lot of work is being done. All social partners and staff of the University are notified of the changes. The University remains the legal successor of all rights and obligations.
The news about the change of status and name caused a great resonance in the media, but I would like to assure the public that this decision is planned in the light of the expansion of the academic independence of Kazakhstan's universities. The transition will be gradual, and in no way affect the quality of educational services, and in the future will even expand the opportunities and strengthen the potential of the University in the field of training, implementation of continuing education, activates the role of the University in solving the urgent problems of our region.
The University will report on all stages of reorganization on the official website, in mass media and official pages of social networks.