A meeting of the commission of the Council of Young Scientists of M. Kozybayev NKSU on the essay competition on the topic "If I were a scientist ..." was held at the university. A total of 48 works were received from students of 1-4 courses of all faculties of the university. Essays were presented in Kazakh, Russian and English.
As a result, the winner was Zangar Galymov (PF). He received a prize - 15,000 tenge. 2nd place and 10,000 tenge each were won by Evgeny Romanenko (MNSF) and Vyacheslav Chinishlov (HELF). The 3rd degree diploma along with 5,000 tenge was immediately received by 3 works: Nurgul Takbaeva (FEDT), Dmitry Zholtetsky (HELF) and Daria Kozik (MNSF). Another 10 participants are marked with certificates.