The international scientific and practical conference "Soltústik Qazaqstan" - chronicle of the century" was held at the M. Kozybayev NKSU. Its participants were scientists from Kazakhstan and Russia, veterans of journalism, representatives of the media, scientific and creative intelligentsia, public figures, teachers and University students.
The anniversary of the newspaper is a holiday not only for the employees of this publication, but also for all North Kazakhstan citizens. After all, "Soltústik Qazaqstan" has a long history, closely related to the formation and development of the Northern region of the country. Today, its circulation is 5 thousand copies. At the beginning, the newspaper was published in Arabic. On its pages were printed real masters of journalism, famous writers, historical figures, poets and prose writers M.Zhumabaev, S.Mukanov, S.Sadvakasov and many others. During its existence, it changed its name five times. But it has always remained popular and beloved.
Well-coordinated work is the result of popularity among readers to this day. A staff of more than 40 employees - journalists, proofreaders, photographers, and drivers-works on the materials. Today, the newspaper works closely with the Department of journalism of our University. On the basis of the editorial office, a Department of the Department has been opened, where students undergo practical training, receive dual education, and hone their professional skills.
In his congratulatory speech, Deputy mayor of North Kazakhstan region Ruslan Alishev stressed the importance of the publication and its role in the development of the entire Kazakh press. Professor Zarkyn Taishybay noted that "Soltústik Qazaqstan" has left us a legacy of a treasure of morality and valuable thoughts that require deep scientific research.
The conference continued with presentations by participants, where speakers spoke about the importance of the publication for readers of the region. The main leitmotif of the event was the thesis that, born in the past era, in 1920, the print edition has always been in the thick of the social, business and cultural life of the country, and still remains relevant and in demand.