In a solemn ceremony, the document was signed by Acting rector Yerbol Issakayev and his Deputy General Director Dmitry Usov.
This is a unique opportunity for the University to train specialists with modern research skills. It is planned to cooperate in the field of introducing precision farming elements and applying the results of agrochemical soil analysis, as well as creating a unified information and scientific environment, sharing experience and new technologies, and conducting joint projects in the field of Agrochemistry.
In addition, on the basis of the soil laboratory, a branch of the Department of "Аgronomy" of the AF M.Kozybayev NKSU was opened. Already today, 5 undergraduates are undergoing scientific training there. Now, students' classes in the discipline "Agrochemistry" will be held weekly here. All this will increase the professional skills of our students. It will allow you to perform experimental research for your dissertations, master robotic innovative equipment that has no analogues in Kazakhstan.
Agro Lab is the first fully automated soil and agrochemical laboratory in the Republic of Kazakhstan, where innovative soil analyses are carried out, which help farmers ensure the preservation of land fertility. By the way, about 30% of the total number of employees of Agrolab LLP are our graduates.