The Council of young scientists of the M. Kozybayev NKSU held a competition of exhibitions of scientific achievements of Student scientific societies of the Kozybayev state University. There are more than 30 of them in the University.
Members of the Competition Commission visited 12 exhibitions, during which students shared their experience over the past 3 years. The jury evaluated the scientific component, approbation of the results of scientific activity (publications for the last 3 years), availability of practical results, independence of research, relevance within the region and the Republic of Kazakhstan, presentability of the exhibition, continuity of the SSS work between courses.
As a result, the highest points were received by: SSS "Unity" of the Department "Assembly of People of Kazakhstan", SSS "Progress" of the Department "Economics and accounting", SSS "Chemistry and life" of the Department "Chemistry and chemical technologies". The winners received diplomas, as well as a sum of money for further research activities.