For applicants For learners For teachers For Heads of Departments For Deans Electronic administration Documentolog Қаз Рус Eng
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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

Competition for vacant positions of teaching staff

Dear Contestants!

The competition for filling vacant positions of the teaching staff will take place on August 27, 2020 in the conference hall of the educational building number 2 according to the schedule by faculty.

PF  09.30-11.30

FHEL   11.30- 13.00

MNSF  14.00-15.00

AF  15.00-15.30

FEDT 15.30 -16.00

ILaL 16.00-17.00

HSM 17.00-17.30

Contestants will be in the waiting room (2 Roman auditorium of educational building # 1, you must have a mask with you)
