The results of the remote competition of presentations "Unique exhibit/document" have been summed up. The event was organized by the department of "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan", together with the Center for Methodological Work and Information Technologies in Education of the Education Department of the Akimat of North Kazakhstan region, within the framework of the "Tugan zher" project of the national program "Rukhani Zhangyru".
The competition was held in order to educate Kazakhstan patriotism, attract the attention of schoolchildren to archival written documents and materials, museum exhibits and material sources, support children who show interest in the history of their native land, develop creative abilities, stimulate cognitive interest in local history.
It was attended by 28 students from 25 schools in Petropavlovsk and 7 districts of North Kazakhstan region. In the presented 28 works, the children talked about unique museum exhibits - a squeak, a spinning wheel, a violin, a forged carriage, a casting set for casting silver jewelry and coins, a grain grinder, ceramics of the Botay culture, medals and more. Of interest were documents from museums and personal archives - a granary book, the Bible, a prayer book, photographs, portraits of World War II veterans, government letters, identity cards, diplomas of educational institutions, certificates, letters of front-line soldiers.
As a result, in the category "Unique exhibit" the winners and prize-winners were:
1st place - Milana Mylnikova, student of the 5th grade of the Zhelezenskaya secondary school of the Zhambyl region.
2nd place - Ksenia Mochariy, a student of the 10th grade of the Chervonnaya secondary school of the G. Musrepov district, Aytan Nazarova - a student of the 5th grade of the Peskin secondary school of the G. Musrepov district.
3rd place - Victoria Bobrik - a 9th grade student of the Lobanovskaya secondary school of the Aiyrtau district, Dilnaz Suleimenova - a 10th grade student of the Mironovskaya secondary school of the Tayynshi district, Daria Babenko - a 10th grade student of the Smirnovskaya gymnasium school of the Akkaiyn district.
In the "Unique Document" nomination, the places were distributed as follows:
1st place - Stanislav Borodyansky, 9th grade student of the Naloba secondary school of the Kyzylzhar region.
2nd place - Daria Pyshkina - 7th grade student of the Lomonosov secondary school named after G. Musrepov, Yegor Rutkovsky - 5th grade student of the Keller secondary school named after I.M. Berezhny, Tayynsha district, Yegor Yurchenko - 5th grade student, school №26 in Petropavlovsk.
3rd place - Diana Sukhorukova, 10th grade student of MPI "Mamlyut sanatorium secondary school - boarding school", Elena Ziborova - grade 8 student of Ozerny secondary school of Tayynsha district, Diana Kuzmina - 9th grade student of Podgorny secondary school of Kyzylzhar district, Victoria Bartuseevich - 10th grade student of Tayynsha secondary school district.
The members of the competition committee noted the growing interest among schoolchildren in the history of their native land, the high level and diversity of the works presented, the use of materials from school museums and personal family archives. The children were invited to continue exploring their native land by visiting the official websites of museums and archives online.