On the eve of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, employees and teachers of Kozybayev University were awarded diplomas and letters of thanks for significant achievements in education and active labor activity. The solemn ceremony was held in compliance with all sanitary standards.
Acting Chairman of the Executive Board - Rector Yerbol Issakayev congratulated the audience on the main holiday of the country, wished them prosperity and noted the contribution of our team to the development of the university.
Due to the difficult epidemiological situation, it was not possible to bring together all the awardees. However, the rest of the letters were sent to the heads of divisions and heads of departments, who will present them to the addressees.
This holiday is rightfully considered a symbol of the freedom of our state. In a short historical period, our people managed to build a democratic and legal state, preserving the heritage of their ancestors. May peace, friendship and understanding between peoples continue to reign on our land! May our Motherland - independent Kazakhstan prosper!