Sabina Barkitova, first-year student of the EP Management, took part in the republican competition "Zhyldyn uzdik studenti" held within the program: "Kazakhstan 2020: Bolashakka Zhol" by the National Innovative Research Center "Bilim- orkenieti" and the Academy of the best students. More than 400 participants presented their achievements in the field of science, art, sports.
Admission was carried out from the number of successful 1st year students of colleges and universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, their achievements in grades 9,10,11 were taken into account. Priority - winners of international, republican and regional Olympiads, conferences, performing competitions; leaders and activists of public youth movements; members of the national team of the Republic of Kazakhstan, winners and prize-winners of Olympiads, international sports competitions.
The TOP-100 was chosen from the applicants and included in the international color collection “The Best Student of the Year”. They were also awarded a special badge "Best student of the year" and diplomas of I, II, III degrees.
Sabina Bakirova was among the winners of the project and was awarded a 1st degree diploma! Congratulations!