About the defense of a doctoral dissertation
There will take place the defense of the doctoral thesis on competition the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Kaliaskarov Nurbol on the theme “Development of a distributed autonomous wireless Wi-Fi system for monitoring the technical condition of bridge structures and buildings» in specialty 6D071900 – "Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications” in M. Kozybayev named North Kazakhstan University.
The dissertation work was performed at M. Kozybayev named North Kazakhstan University, Department of "Energetic and Radioelectronics".
The defense will be in Russian. The dissertation is presented in the form of a dissertation work.
Temporary composition of the dissertation council:
- Aytmagambetov Altay Zufarovich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department «Radio engineering and telecommunications», International IT University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, the specialty 05.12.03 «Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television».
- Konshin Sergey Vladimirovich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Vice-rector for educational and methodical work of AUPET, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, the specialty 05.13.06 «Automated control systems».
- Taissariyeva Kyrmyzy Nurlanovna - PhD, senior lecturer of the Department Electronics, telecommunications and space technologies, Satbayev University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, the specialty 6D071900 «Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications».
- Nabiev Nabi Kozyevich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Technical Director of «Airtechsolutions» LLP, Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan, the specialty 05.13.06 «Automation and control of technological processes and productions» (by industry).
- Chezhimbaeva Katipa Slambaevna - Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor of the Department of Telecommunications and Innovative Technologies of AUPET, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, the specialty 05.12.17 «Radio and television devices and systems».
Scientific supervisors:
- Ivel Viktor Petrovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor of the Department of Energetic and Radioelectronics, M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University, Petropalovsk, Kazakhstan, the specialty 05.13.06 «Automation and control of technological processes and productions».
- Razinkin Vladimir Pavlovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor of the Department of Theoretical foundations of radio engineering, Faculty of Radio Engineering and Electronics of Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, the specialty 05.12.07 «Automation and control of technological processes and productions».
The defense will take on December 11, 2021, at 14:00, at the M. Kozybayev named North Kazakhstan University at the address: Pushkin street 86, №2 academic building, conference hall, link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3969033934?pwd=cHJsN1NGTUpPL2FRQjBNTVp6UnJVZz09, М. Қозыбаев СКУ диссертациялық кеңесінің арнасында қорғаудың тікелей эфирдің сілтемесі https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClJ9A5AApmu7p-NTJvsmlCw
The conference ID: 396 903 3934
Code: 439633
Website: www.nkzu.kz
for unofficial reviews e-mail: dissovet@nku.edu.kz
Abstract of the thesis
Dissertation work
Feedback from scientific consultants: V. Ivel, V. Razinkin
Feedback from official reviewers: Nabiev N.K., Chezhimbayeva K.S.
List of publications
Conclusion of the Ethics Commission
Видео защиты Калиаскарова Н.Б. 11.12.2021