At North-Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev protection of the dissertation of Natalia Igorevna Kalantayevskaya on "Short-term forecasting of energy consumption using machine learning technologies", specialty 8D07103 - "Power Engineering" will be held.
The work was prepared at the chair "Power engineering and radioelectronics" of SKU named after M.Kozybayev.
The language of defense is Russian.
The thesis is presented in the form of dissertation work.
Official reviewers:
- Voloshin Alexander Aleksandrovich, PhD in speciality 05.14.02 - "Electric power stations and electric power systems", associate professor of department "Relay protection and automation of power systems" of National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", Moscow, Russian Federation;
- Bulatbaeva Julia Feliksovna, PhD degree 6D070200 - "Automation and Control", acting associate professor of "Automation of industrial processes" department of "Power engineering, Automation and Telecommunications" faculty, Karaganda Technical University, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Scientific advisors:
- Kashekov Kairat Temirbaevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Research of JSC "Academy of Civil Aviation", Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Belyaev Pavel Vladimirovich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering Department, Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russian Federation.
Temporary composition of the Dissertation Council:
- Talipov Olzhas Manarbekovich, PhD in the specialty 6D071800 - "Electric Power Engineering", associated professor (associate professor) of the department "Heat Power Engineering" of Pavlodar State University named after S.Toraigyrov, Pavlodar, Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Bulatbayev Felix Nazymovich, candidate of technical sciences on speciality 05.05.06 - "Mining machines", associate professor of the chair "Power systems" of faculty "Power engineering, automation and telecommunications" of Karaganda Technical University, Karaganda, the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Saukhimov Almaz Abzhalievich PhD in the specialty 6D074000 - "Nanomaterials and nanotechnology", Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Activity "Almaty University of Energy and Communication", Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
The thesis defense will be held in mixed format on April 23, 2022 at 16.30 hours in the Dissertation Council in the specialties 8D07101 - "Engineering" and 8D07103 - "Power Engineering" at North-Kazakhstan University named after M.Kozybaev at: Petropavlovsk, Pushkina str., 86, academic building № 2, conference room, on the platform zum: Conference ID: 956 012 9878 Access code: 1256
Live broadcast of the defense on the channel of the Dissertation Council of the NKU. M. Kozybaev at the link:
Conference ZOOM ID: 956 012 9878
Access code: 1256
The website address of M.Kozybayev NKU:
for unofficial reviews e-mail:
Abstract of the thesis
Dissertation work
Feedback from scientific consultants: Kashekov К.Т., Belyaev P.V.
Feedback from official reviewers: Voloshin A.A., Bulatbaeva J.F.
List of publications
Conclusion of the Ethics Commission
Video recording of the defense of N. Kalantayevskaya's 23.04.2022