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18. Final Academic Assessment

Module Name:

Module 18: Final Academic Assessment



Module Elements:

Compulsory subjects

State examination in the specialty

Developing and defending a thesis

Semester Number:


Person responsible for the module

Y.V. Gerasimova


State examination in the specialty –Y.V. Gerasimova

Developing and defending a thesis –Y.V. Gerasimova


Russian, Kazakh

Curriculum relation:

Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications (Ba)

Type of teaching  / number of hours per week and per semester :


8 semester:

hours hours per semester – 450.


Extracurricular Classes: 450 hours

Total: 450 hours

Credit Points:


Conditions for Examinations:

Completion of the Degree Programme and writing a bachelor's thesis

Recommended Conditions:

Completion of the full course of study on the Degree Programme

Expected Learning Outcomes:


- mathematical methods of calculation used in the analysis of radio systems;

- stages of electronic devices design;

- graphic editors for drawing schematic diagrams of electronic devices;

Be able to:

 - define goals, set research and design tasks in radio engineering;

- apply mathematical and physical laws in the design of radio systems;

- use modern means and methods of collection, processing, storage and output of information in solving various technical problems;

- make and calculate the circuit diagrams;

- assemble and install electronic devices;

 - use measuring equipment for adjustment and testing of electronic devices;

- use the economic theory to analyze main economic processes in the professional sphere;

- make mathematical models of automatic control systems;

 - study dynamic and static processes of automatic control systems;

Possess the skills:

- application of various methods of research of automatic control systems;

- construction of measuring systems based on personal computers;

- development of circuit diagrams and printed circuit boards, development of technical documentation;

Demonstrate the ability:

- to independently carry out the formulation of the research problem, the formation of a plan for its implementation, and the selection of research methods and processing of results;

- to offer optimal circuit solutions for the implementation of various electronic devices

Intendend use/applicability

Professional activity 


State examination in the specialty

To demonstrate knowledge and skills gained in the course of the following subjects: Basics of Radio Engineering and Telecommunications, Circuit Design of Analog Electronic Devices/Circuit and System Engineering of Electronic Means, Digital Devices and Microprocessors/Integrated and Microprocessor Technology, Antenna-Feeder Devices/Microwave Devices

Developing and defending a thesis

Literary and patent search on the topic under study. Selection and analysis of theoretical material on the topic. Development of the block diagram of the designed device. Development and calculation of the schematic diagram of the electrical device. Development of the printed circuit board device. Analysis of the reliability of the device, as well as calculation of economic indicators and issues of labor protection and industrial ecology in the design and implementation of the test device or system. Execution of the thesis. Passing the licensing procedure. Passing the examination for plagiarism. Preparation for the defense of the thesis.

Examination Form, module mark:

Comprehensive module examination including

State examination in the specialty – oral examination

Developing and defending a thesis – defending a bachelor’s thesis

Technical/Multimedia Facilities:

Laboratories of Computer Mathematics and Electronic Simulation; Antenna-Feeder and Microwave Devices; Radio Receiving and Transmitting Devices; research laboratory of Mathematical Simulation and Design of Robotic Systems, laboratories of Data Measuring Equipment and Electronics.  Precision manufacturing complex for printed circuit boards ProtoMat S42.

Study Materials:

1. A. M. Sazhnev, L. G. Rogulina. Electrical Converting Devices of Radio-Electronic Systems. – Novosibirsk: Publishing house of NSTU, 2012.

2. V. Y. Shishmarev. Components and Elements of Automatic Control Systems. - M: Akademiya, 2005.

3. V. A. Rogov, G. G. Pozdnyak. Methods and Practice of Technical Experiments. – M: Akademiya Publishing center, 2005.

4. V. B. Brodin, A.V. Kalinin Systems with Microcontrollers. – M: ECOM, 2002.

5. Y. P. Ugryumov. Digital Circuitry. – SPb.: BHV – St. Petersburg, 2000.

6. V. B. Steshenko. Computer-Aided Design of Electronic Devices. – Moscow: Nolidzh, 2002.

7. V. N. Pavlov, V. N. Nogin. Circuitry of Analog Electronic Devices. – M.: Gotyachaya liniya-Telekom. 2005.

Date of last amendment
