Rating of the Independent agency for quality assurance in education (IQAA) |
M. Kozybayev NKU annually participates in the General rating of universities Independent agency for quality assurance in education held in order to develop a system of external independent assessment of the quality of graduate training, stimulating the activities of educational institutions in the field of quality assurance of professional education. According to the results of this rating, the University takes the following places:
IQAA websites rating
According to the results of the IQAA 2023 rating, the Kozybayev University website confidently entered the TOP 10 and took 7th place among 103 websites of the Republic of Kazakhstan's universities. We became the leader in the number of points in the categories "Site size" and "Design and ease of navigation". Also, the high score was awarded to "Site presentation in the State, Russian and English languages".
In 2022, the university's website took 11th place in the IQAA ranking, which included 38 universities in Kazakhstan.
According to the IQAA rating in 2021, the university's website entered the top 10 best websites and took 4th place, while according to the criterion of "Design and ease of navigation" it took 1st place, sharing it with 13 sites of other universities, and according to the criteria of "Website size", "Content", "Presentation of the website in the State, Russian and English languages" the website took the third place.
Rating of the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" |
Since 2018, M. Kozybayev NKU participates in the rating of NCE RK "Atameken", where it takes the following places:
2024 | |
11th place - 6В07301 Construction |
QS rating |
In QS ASIA UNIVERSITY RANKINGS university took following place:
In the QS Emerging Europe and Central Asia ranking, the University ranked:
In 2013, the international rating company QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) conducted a pilot study of universities in Kazakhstan. According to the results of this rating, our University entered the top five universities in Kazakhstan in the field of "Engineering and technology".
Webometrics Rating |
In the international ranking of Webometrics among universities in Kazakhstan the official website of M. Kozybayev NKU takes the following places: