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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Bakirov Aldiyar Eralievich

Bakirov Aldiyar Eralievich

Senior lecturer, department of Agronomy and forestry, master
Scientometric identifiers:
Web of ScienceGRO-0733-2022
Language proficiency:
The Hirsch Index: 3
2018M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan UniversityAgronomy
2022Northwest A&F UniversityPlant genetics and Breeding
Courses and certificates
Start dateEnd dateAcademic hoursVenueCourse nameСертификат
14.12.202220.12.202220M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan UniversityPossibilities of using modern geoinformation systems for agroecological monitoring of agricultural lands
Scientific interests / Fields of researchPlant physiology and biotechnology, plant breeding, organic farming, development of sustainable agricultural systems, industrial agronomy, problem solving with other researchers to develop ideas for plant development. Genetic diversity and agronomic traits in the genetic resources of agricultural crops, including rapeseed, flax, wheat, barley, and the development of DNA markers available for selection using marker methods.Scientific publications (last 3 years)
  • Савенкова И. В., Шаяхметова А. С., Темирбулатова А. К., Муканова Ф. К., Ахметов М. Б., Бакиров А. Е., Усеинов А. А., Optimization of Productivity of Fodder Crops with Green Conveyor System in the Context of Climate Instability in the North Kazakhstan Region, Sustainability (Switzerland), 2024, 16(20), 9024 открыть
  • Бакиров А. Е., Ethylene Plays a Dual Role during Infection by Plasmodiophora brassicae of Arabidopsis thaliana, Genes 13 (8), 1299 открыть
  • Бакиров А. Е., Identification of Alkaline Salt Tolerance Genes in Brassica napus L. by Transcriptome Analysis, Genes, Открытый доступ, Том 13, Выпуск 8, August 2022, Номер статьи 1493 открыть
  • Бакиров А. Е., Discovery of common loci and candidate genes for controlling salt-alkali tolerance and yield-related traits in Brassica napus L., Plant Cell Reports 42 (6), 1039-1057 открыть
  • Бакиров А. Е., Screening of salt tolerance traits and the salt tolerance evaluation method in Brassica napus at the seed germination stage, Italian Journal of Agronomy, Открытый доступ, Том 17, Выпуск 229, June 2022, Номер статьи 2011 открыть