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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Sinbaeva Gulfayraz Kinzhibulatovna

Sinbaeva Gulfayraz Kinzhibulatovna

Senior lecturer, "Kazakh language and literature" chair , master
Scientometric identifiers:
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The Hirsch Index:
1990Kokshetau Pedagogical Institute named after Ch.ValikhanovKazakh language and literature, Russian language and literature
2013North Kazakhstan State named after M.Kozybayev MagistracyKazakh Philology
Courses and certificates
Start dateEnd dateAcademic hoursVenueCourse nameСертификат
03.10.202228.10.202280Center of pedagogical excellence of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools"Methodology of applied researchОткрыть
24.09.202025.09.202018M. Kozybayev SKUOrganization of the educational process and development of educational programs in a new contextОткрыть
12.10.202006.11.202072M. Kozybayev SKUMethods of distance learning and effective organization of the educational processОткрыть
13.05.201924.06.2019120M. Kozybayev SKUThe course of the English language training program, Elementary A2 levelОткрыть
24.09.201812.10.201880AOO "Nazarbayev intellectual schools" center of pedagogical excellenceEducational program of advanced training of university teaching staff in the framework of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed by the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools"Открыть
05.05.201727.05.2017240Almaty, JSC"NCPC " ORLEU"Educational program of advanced training courses for teachers of pedagogical specialties of universities "modern pedagogical technologies"Открыть
Scientific interests / Fields of researchThe use of euphemisms in works of artScientific publications (last 3 years)
  • Кадыров Ж. Т., Синбаева Г. К., Леонтьева А. Ю., Агибаева С. С., Кумыс как символ этнокультурной идентичности в творчестве М. Жумабаева и Л.Н. Мартынова //, Вестник Кокшетауского университета имени Ш. Уалиханова. Серия филологическая. - № 4. - 2024. - С. 220-233. - ISSN 2788-7979 (оnline). - eLIBRARY ID: 79564. - DOI: 10.59102/kufil/2024/iss4pp220-233. открыть
  • Кадыров Ж. Т., Синбаева Г. К., Крылова Л. А., Кризис дворянской семьи в 70-е годы XIX века в романе Ф.М. Достоевского «Подросток», Вестник КУ имени Ш.Уалиханова. Серия филологическая. - № 2. - 2024. - С. 153-164. - ISSN 2788-7979 (оnline) открыть
Учебно-методическое пособие (last 3 years)
  • Синбаева Г. К., Қазақ тілін оқыту әдістемесі открыть