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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Karamguzhinova Aygul Erkenovna

Karamguzhinova Aygul Erkenovna

Scientometric identifiers:
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2000North Kazakhstan UniversityIndustrial and civil construction
2020North kazakhstan state university named after M.Kozybaev5В071200 Mechanical engineering
2020North kazakhstan state university named after M.Kozybaev5В071200 Mechanical engineering
Courses and certificates
Start dateEnd dateAcademic hoursVenueCourse nameСертификат
26.04.201021.06.201056Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training of M.Kozybayev NKZULearning the state language (continuing group)Открыть
20.02.201724.02.201740Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training M. Kozybaev NKZUOffice basicsОткрыть
09.01.201724.06.201772Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training M. Kozybaev NKZUEnglish (А1 level)Открыть
13.05.201913.05.20195"Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification" under the Republican State Enterprise with the right to conduct business activities.Seminar on training and advanced training of employees in the field of technical regulation, metrology and quality managementОткрыть
17.02.202026.02.20200Satbayev Universiti Almaty s.Research internship in the specialty "Mechanical Engineering"Открыть
27.01.202007.02.202072M. Kozybaev NKZU"Improving the efficiency of operation of road construction machines and lifting and transport complexes"Открыть
12.10.202006.11.202072Non-profit Joint Stock Company SKU named after M. KozybaevDistance learning methods and effective organization of the educational processОткрыть
15.06.202030.06.202072Non-profit Joint Stock Company SKU named after M. Kozybaev"Distance learning system in the context of informatization and digitalization on the example of Moodle"Открыть
23.11.202130.11.202172Non-profit Joint Stock Company SKU named after M. KozybaevOn issues of labor legislation, external regulatory framework in the field of education, internal regulatory documentsОткрыть
18.11.202218.11.20225Non-profit Joint Stock Company SKU named after M. KozybaevInternational scientific and practical conference "Trends of development of natural and technical sciences in the modern world".Открыть
Scientific interests / Fields of researchMechanical engineeringAwards, premiums, personal grants (republican or international)
2016Letter of thanks from the rectorM. Kozybayeva of NKZU named after M. Kozybayeva
Scientific publications (last 3 years)
  • Шакирова М. А., Карамгужинова А. Е., Мехатрондық жүйеде гидравликалық жәнепневматикалық жетектерді қолдану ерекшеліктері, Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Тенденции развития естественных и технических наук в современном мире»18.11.2022, г. Петропавловск, С.596-601
  • Карамгужинова А. Е., Жанқайыр Д. Б., Prospects for the development and use of electric vehicles in the conditions of the northern region, Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции "Тенденции развития естественных и технических наук в современном мире", Петропавловск, 2022г. открыть
Учебное пособие (last 3 years)
  • Карамгужинова А. Е., Аубакирова О. С., Жумекенова З. Ж., Механизмдер мен машиналардың анализі және синтезі пәніне оқу құралы открыть