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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Esembekova Dinara Temirgalievna

Esembekova Dinara Temirgalievna

Senior lecturer, "Economics, Accounting and Finance" chair , master
Scientometric identifiers:
Language proficiency:
The Hirsch Index:
2000International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yassaui0714 International Economic Relations - Bachelor's Degree
2007Al-Farabi Kazakh National University080500 Economics and management of the national economy - postgraduate studies
2015Modern Humanitarian Academy (Moscow)International Economics - Master Degree
2021Non-profit joint-stock company "North-Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev"8D04101 Economics - doctoral programme
Courses and certificates
Start dateEnd dateAcademic hoursVenueCourse nameСертификат
26.08.202206.09.202236NKU named after M. KozybaevLeadership in EducationОткрыть
21.11.202203.12.202272Non-profit joint-stock company "North-Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev"Psychology of managementОткрыть
05.12.202220.12.202272Non-profit joint-stock company "North-Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev"Fundamentals of the theory and practice of pedagogical activityОткрыть
27.10.202222.11.202236Non-profit joint-stock company "North-Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev"Methods of working with students with special educational needsОткрыть
13.11.202326.11.202372Non-profit joint-stock company "North-Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev"Macroeconomic issues in government regulationОткрыть
27.11.202310.12.202372Non-profit joint-stock company "North-Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev"Economics and fundamentals of entrepreneurship: international experienceОткрыть
11.12.202324.12.202372Non-profit joint-stock company "North-Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev"Managerial and economic analysis for effective managementОткрыть
05.02.202418.03.202472«Jean Monnet - Euroaudit Department» within the framework of the European Union Program «Erasmus+»Public finance in the European UnionОткрыть
15.02.202426.02.202472NKU named after M. KozybayevMethods of inclusive educationОткрыть
21.10.202415.11.202472M.Kozybayev named NKUFinancial accounting and analysisОткрыть
04.12.202406.12.202434M.Kozybayev named NKUMicroqualificationОткрыть
Scientific interests / Fields of researchInternational migration processes, government regulation of the economyAwards, premiums, personal grants (republican or international)
2021Honorary diploma of the rector of NKU named M. Kozybaev
Scientific publications (last 3 years)
  • Есембекова Д. Т., Умурзаков И. Г., ФИНАНСОВАЯ ГЛОБАЛИЗАЦИЯ КАК ОСНОВНОЕ ЗВЕНО ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЙ ГЛОБАЛИЗАЦИИ, «Молодежь и наука-2023»: материалы международной научно-практической конференции Северо-Казахстанского университета им. М. Козыбаева: в 1-м томе. – Петропавловск: СКУ им. М. Козыбаева, 2023 год, стр.465-469. открыть