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участие преподавателей кафедры ПД в разработке Концепции
Webinar 5
On the experience of developing a professional standard for a special teacher in inclusive education within the framework of the scientific project “BR18574162 Inclusively oriented training of special teachers.”
In accordance with the Work Plan for the implementation of the scientific program “BR18574162 Inclusively oriented training of special teachers”, in order to improve the quality, disseminate advanced pedagogical thought and experience of inclusively oriented training of special teachers in universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a group of researchers from 8 Kazakh universities on the basis of Abai KazNPU plans to conduct a series webinars.
June 14 online via ZOOM at 13.00. it is planned to hold a webinar on the topic: “Profession card: special teacher in inclusive education” (PhD, associate professor of NKSU named after M. Kozybaev B.A. Dyusenbaeva), where the author will share his experience in developing a professional standard for a special teacher in inclusive education.
University teaching staff, managers and employees of preschool and school education organizations, special educators, psychologists and all interested parties are invited to participate in the webinars.