Second-year students of the EP “Finance” M. Kozybayev NKSU took part in the IV International Inter-University Competition of Student Scientific Works “Business, Law, IT and Innovation Society”. The Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies of Omsk, Russia, it is conducted in absentia in 3 stages. Applications for 7 of our studen...
19 March 2020A call-center for distance learning has started working at M. Kozybayev NKSU. Not only students, undergraduates, and doctoral students can apply, but also teachers and parents of students. Specialists are ready to give competent answers on the use of various online platforms, organizing video conferences, rating and monitoring the educational proc...
18 March 2020A meeting of 1-2 year students with doctors of the health center and the Regional Center of Phthisiopulmonology, dedicated to the World Tuberculosis Day, was held at the M. Kozybayev NKSU. Kenzhegul Aripova, the head of OCF Kenzhegul Aripova, delivered a lecture: “Tuberculosis and its prevention”. The students were told that this disease is diffi...
13 March 2020Within the framework of the Days of Ukrainian Culture, the Department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of M. Kozybaev NKSU with the support of Kiev National University named after T. Shevchenko held a teleconference on the topic: “Preserving Ethnocultural Identity in the Conditions of Megacities and Large Cities,” which allowed Kazakhs l...
13 March 2020Since the beginning of the school year, the Department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan has been introducing university students and teachers to the culture of ethnic groups living in our country. Starting this week, events began dedicated to the customs, creativity and national cuisine of Ukrainians. Representatives of the ethnocultura...
11 March 2020As part of the VIII Winter Universiade dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasir Al-Farabi, a Curling tournament was held in Almaty. 10 national universities took part in it. Both boys and girls competed in the Almaty arena ice complex. The team of athletes of M. Kozybayev NKSU took the 3rd prize. But the girls were just a little short of ...
06 March 2020On the basis of the Kazakh University of international relations and world languages named after Abylay Khan, the Republican student Olympiad was held in the groups of specialties "Foreign languages". 155 people gathered to test their linguistic knowledge. Students of our University in this intellectual tournament clearly showed themselves. Sergey...
06 March 2020March 8 is a warm spring holiday, joyful and bright, when our hearts come to life together with nature under the bright rays of the sun. We stop for a while from the usual everyday rhythm of life, give congratulations and gifts. These days, there is also a festive atmosphere under the University Shanyrak. After all, 70% of the University's staff ...
06 March 2020The University held an extended meeting of the student administration of the M. Kozybayev NKSU. It was attended by the Vice-rector for educational work and social affairs, employees of the supervising Department, student deans of faculties, representatives of the Committee for Youth Affairs and the Trade Union of students. The first question the a...
05 March 2020The Council of young scientists of the M. Kozybayev NKSU held a competition of exhibitions of scientific achievements of Student scientific societies of the Kozybayev state University. There are more than 30 of them in the University. Members of the Competition Commission visited 12 exhibitions, during which students shared their experience over t...
05 March 2020An essay contest "Abay – Dana, Abay – Dara" was held at the M. Kozybayev NKSU among students of 1-3 courses of the Department of Journalism, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great thinker Abay Kunanbayev. Its goal is to form the consciousness and worldview of young people through the prism of studying the works of a philosopher, writer and...
05 March 2020Одиннадцатиклассники из 12 районов СКО и г. Петропавловска съехались в наш вуз, чтобы побороться за грант ректора. Прогрессивную инициативу руководства университета поддержали более 130 участников интеллектуального турнира. Областная педагогическая олимпиада проводится в университете уже в третий раз и показывает, насколько профессия учителя востр...
04 March 2020Победителем Международной олимпиады по английскому языку среди студентов неязыковых специальностей, прошедшей в г. Нур-Султан, стал Евгений Мигулка, обучающийся по образовательной программе «Туризм». Жасулан Даулетов также достойно выступил, пройдя во второй тур, получил сертификат. Для ребят это стало хорошей мотивацией к дальнейшему саморазви...
04 March 2020В Северо-Казахстанском государственном университете им. М. Козыбаева прошел региональный научно-методический семинар: «Роль масс-медиа в формировании и разрушении стереотипов: казахстанский опыт» в рамках ежегодного мероприятия «Лига профессионалов – доступ открыт». Студентам специальности «Журналистика» и ученикам старших классов средней школы №2...
04 March 2020В университете прошёл городской дебатный турнир "Саналы ұрпақ - жарқын болашақ". Его организовали проектный офис «Sanaly urpak» совместно с ОО «За будущее Казахстана». В состязании приняли участие 6 команд. Мастера слова соревновались в британском парламентском формате по теме «Коррупция». По результатам турнира определились победители и призёры в...
04 March 2020A quarter century behind us! This year, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan celebrates its 25th anniversary. During this time, she has done a great job of regulating interethnic relations, achieving understanding and trust in a multinational Kazakhstani society. March 1, we will celebrate the anniversary of the APK and the Day of gratitude, w...
28 February 2020From February 21 to February 24 in the city of Aktobe the Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in kettlebell lifting in the discipline "long cycle" was held. Two students of M. Kozybaнev NKSU took part in the SKO team. Vasily Slepyh, a world-class master of sports, a fourth-year student of the Physical Education and Sport EP in the weight of...
27 February 2020M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan state University has been actively cooperating with the Yakut State Agricultural Academy, Sakha Republic, Russia for 3 years. Every year, according to the academic mobility program, our students go to study at the partner University, and their children come to study at the M. Kozybaev NKSU. The exchange of teachers for...
26 February 2020Problems of modernization of the education system, the teachers' work in terms of updated content, prepare in-demand professionals, meets the challenges of time is discussed in the University at the International scientific-practical conference "Modern education: traditions, achievements, innovations", devoted to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunan...
26 February 2020The book marathon "Abaibookdating" was launched among the visitors of libraries of universities of Kazakhstan and is intended to popularize the work of the great classic. Abay Kunanbayev-poet, philosopher, composer, educator, thinker, public figure, founder of Kazakh written literature. Abay's "The Book of Words" are an invaluable asset of our peo...
25 February 2020В университете состоялось открытие Года волонтера. К слову, всего в вузе более 360 человек вовлечено в эту деятельность. В торжественном мероприятии приняли участие различные организации, занимающиеся добровольчеством: поисковый отряд «FILSIDE», СКОФ «Jasyl El», СКОФ благотворительного фонда «Харекет» и, конечно, наша альма-матер. Перед ребятами ...
25 February 2020На базе СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева прошел региональный турнир по футзалу. Казахстанская студенческая девичья Лига собрала спортсменок из вуза, колледжей и спортивных организаций г. Петропавловска. Порядка 70 футболисток представляли на соревнованиях 7 команд. В комфортных условиях обновленного спортзала первого корпуса шли напряженные поединки. Девуш...
25 February 2020We haven't seen such a large amount of young and creative energy that flooded the M. Kozybayev NKSU for a long time. The regional competition of startup projects "RED SPARK 2020", held at our University with the support of the regional chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken", brought together innovators aged 16 to 29 years. The students presented their...
24 February 2020Every year, our University hosts a subject Olympiad for students in language disciplines. It was organized by the Institute of language and literature among students in grades 10-11 of the city and districts of the North Kazakhstan region. It was attended by more than 200 children from secondary schools and gymnasiums of Petropavlovsk, as well as ...
24 February 2020В г.Усть-Каменогорск стартовала VIII Зимняя Универсиада, посвященная 1150-летию аль-Фараби. В ней принимают участие представители 12 вузов страны, а это около 1000 студентов. Спортсмены состязаются в пяти видах спорта: зимнем президентском многоборье, керлинге, спортивном ориентировании, биатлоне и лыжных гонках. Ярко представляют родную альма-мате...
24 February 2020