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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


M. Kozybayev NKSU joined the Republican action "My Flag – my homeland»

It is the duty of every citizen of Kazakhstan to respect The State symbols. After all, this is one of the unshakable foundations of our sovereignty. With their veneration and begins real patriotism, love for The Motherland. This was proved in the M. Kozybaev NKSU. Students and teachers joined the Republican action "My Flag is my homeland". Its purp...

31 October 2019
Teaching staff and students faced off in the sports battle of the national games

Fun, spectacular and friendly. Such epithets can describe the sports battle of the national games between the teams of teachers and students, held on October 29 in M. Kozybaev NKSU within the Year of Youth of Kazakhstan. The event was aimed at acquaintance and rapprochement with the cultures of ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan, education in the ...

30 October 2019
The University is in the process of reorganization into a non-profit joint stock company "M. Kozybayev NKU" with one hundred percent participation of the state in the authorized capital

In order to implement the Program of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "National Plan 100 concrete steps", on October 11, 2019, the government Decree No. 752 "On some issues of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" was issued. According to which the Republican State Ent...

30 October 2019
The University held an annual charity event "Give the child joy"

The charity event "Give the child joy" has been held at M. Kozybayev NKSU from 2010 since 2010 by the forces of teachers and students of the department “Special and Social Pedagogy”. For future defectologists and social educators, these events foster a sense of kindness, empathy, mercy, and active participation in supporting children with special e...

29 October 2019
Volleyball competitions were held at the University

A volleyball tournament was held among students and undergraduates of M. Kozybayev NKSU within the framework of the sports contest dedicated to the implementation of the "Tugan Zher" program, where the teams of the faculties of the University and the ILaL performed.For three days, the volleyball players sorted out relations on the sports ground. Mo...

28 October 2019
Togyz-kumalak competitions among students and undergraduates were held at the University

Sports club "Sunkar" held competitions in togyz-kumalak among students and undergraduates for the Cup of the rector of the M. Kozybayev NKSU.  The main objectives of the competition were the promotion and development of this national sport among young people and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. The teams consisted of 2 girls and 2 boys from each f...

28 October 2019
"Еthnic Groups of Kazakhstan: contribution to the historical and cultural heritage of the people" dialogue platform gathered scientists of Kazakhstan at the University

On October 25, "Kazakhstan Institute of social development "Rukhani Zhangyru" NPJSC together with M. Kozybayev NKSU within the framework of the Republican project "Ethnoses of Kazakhstan: contribution to the historical and cultural heritage of the people" held a dialogue platform and a scientific and practical conference. The main goal: to develop ...

28 October 2019
Brilliantly and fun were the days of German culture at the University

As part Of the days of German culture, an interactive event - an open stage with the participation of members of the public Association "North Kazakhstan regional German center "Vidergeburt" - was held at the M. Kozybayev NKSU. On the tables, an exhibition of attributes inherent in the main German holidays: Christmas and Easter, also showed persona...

24 October 2019
Professor of the University of Palermo visited the University for academic mobility

From 7 to 25 October in M. Kozybaev NKSU classes at the faculty of agrotechnology was conducted by a Professor of the Italian University of Palermo. Carmelo Dazzi came to our University on the academic mobility program. He lectured in English on soil science at the 2nd and 3rd year students majoring in «Wood resources and forestry», as well as in ...

24 October 2019
Participation in the regional selection for the Republican project "Forum of APK synergy of Youth"

On October 22, students of M. Kozybayev NKSU took part in the regional stage of the Republican project "Forum of APK synergy of Youth", organized by the Congress of youth of Kazakhstan together with the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan within the year of youth. This is a unique project to support young IT professionals, as well as all young people...

23 October 2019
The opening of the Center for Italian language and culture in the M. Kozybayev NKSU

On October 16, the Center of the Italian language and culture was opened at M. Kozybaev NKSU. The initiative for its creation belongs to the vice-rector for internationalization Alessandro Figus and is dedicated to the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci. This is the only center in Kazakhstan that will teach Italian for students and schoolchildr...

17 October 2019
Meeting of scientists of M. Kozybaev NKSU with the Director of the Erasmus + National Office

On October 16, a meeting was held between the director of the Erasmus + National Office Shaizada Tasbulatova and scientists from M. Kozybaev NKSU - participants in projects of the European Union Erasmus + program. Shaizada Umurzakovna talked about the structure of the organization, the financial management of projects, their institutionalization. ...

16 October 2019
A round-table discussion “The impact of internationalization on the development of Kazakhstani universities” took place at the University

On October 15, Kazakhstani experts spoke with foreign scientists about the impact of internationalization on the development of Kazakhstani universities. An important role here is played by participation in the Erasmus + European Union program.A pleasant mission was the presentation by the rector Serik Omirbayev of the title of Honorary Professors ...

16 October 2019
Scientists from 9 countries gathered at M. Kozybaev NKSU for a scientific and practical conference

Such a number of representatives of world scientific thought within the walls of M. Kozybaev NKSU has not been remembered for a long time. On October 15, scientists from Italy, the USA, Russia, Poland, China, Lithuania, Moldova, Great Britain, India and rectors of leading universities of Kazakhstan gathered at the international scientific-practical...

15 October 2019
With working visit the Head of DARK Ernar Bayangazin visited M. Kozybayev NKSU

Our university was visited by representatives of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption in the North Kazakhstan Region and the project office "Kyzylzhar - adaldyk аlany". At a meeting with the university staff, Yernar Bayangazin, the head of the ARKPK Department for NKR, spoke about the anti-corruption w...

11 October 2019
In M. Kozybayev NKSU is implementing the project "Medical Volunteers"

For the first time in Kazakhstan, the project "Medical Volunteers" was launched, in which students of HSM of M. Kozybayev NKSU take an active part. It will contribute to the broad education of the population on the prevention of various diseases, increase the prestige of medical professions, the formation of human resources for the health care indu...

11 October 2019
Sightseeing tours for freshmen

According to tradition, since the beginning of the new academic year, for first-year students of all faculties Institute in the Museum of history of M. Kozybayev NKSU conducted sightseeing tours, where students get acquainted with the stages of formation, activities and achievements of the native University. Along with this, our students get acquai...

10 October 2019
Erasmus Days 2019 at M. Kozybayev NKSU

From 10 to 12 October around the world carried out the Erasmus Days 2019. This is an annual event, in which last year more than 1400 events were held in 39 countries to exchange experience in the implementation of projects of the European Union "Erasmus+", to inform the General public about the changes that took place at the level of universities, ...

10 October 2019
The famous TV presenter Sandi Sultan met with the students of M. Kozybayev NKSU

On October 8, master classes for students, teachers and employees of M. Kozybaev NKSU were held by the famous TV presenter Sandy Sultan, who first visited Petropavlovsk. About 20 years on television, 7 years - in the press service of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 5 years of teaching - her professional baggage is huge. For...

08 October 2019
Актер Мейргат Амангельдин встретился со студентами университета

Мейргат Амангельдин побывал в Северо-Казахстанском государственном университете имени М. Козыбаева. Известный актер прибыл в СКО в рамках осеннего гастрольного тура столичного театра «Жастар театры», который занимает особое место в казахстанском мире искусства, ввиду своей разносторонности и новаторства. В Петропавловске с 3 по 6 октября  в Русском...

08 October 2019
В СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева отметили День учителя и День пожилых людей

В нашем университете есть славная традиция: отмечать сразу два светлых праздника - День учителя и День пожилых людей. 4 октября со сцены своих педагогов поздравили студенты, подарили цветы и яркие концертные номера. В первых рядах актового зала – те, чьи виски украшают седины, а в сердцах горит огонь знаний, мудрости и доброты. В СКГУ им. М. Козыб...

06 October 2019
Студентка СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева стала стипендиаткой Фонда Первого Президента – Елбасы

Третьекурсница ФМЕН, обучающаяся по специальности «География», Юлия Свистунова  вошла в число стипендиатов Фонда Первого Президента РК – Елбасы.  В Алматы в торжественной обстановке прошло чествование победителей данного республиканского конкурса. Его главная цель заключается в поощрении учебной, научной и творческой деятельности студентов. В этом...

03 October 2019
Международный научно-методический семинар географов

География – наука о Земле и человеке, арена, на которой проходит людская жизнь. 2 октября в стенах нашего университета состоялся международный научно-методический семинар, посвященный методике исследования в региональной географии, проблемам картографии и создания атласов. На него съехались учителя школ г. Петропавловска и СКО, магистранты, студент...

03 October 2019
В СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева чествовали Касию Кангужину

1 октября в СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева прошел круглый стол, посвященный 70-летию профессора университета, почетного работника образования РК, кандидата биологических наук, доцента кафедры «Теория и методика физического и военного воспитания»  Касии Кангужиной. Она трудится в нашей альма-матер с 1974 года. Прошла путь от лаборанта до заведующей кафедрой...

02 October 2019
Историки СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева совместно с павлодарскими коллегами сделали археологическое открытие в Уалихановском районе СКО

Cтуденты и преподаватели СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева совместно с представителями «Margulan centre» Павлодарского государственного педагогического университета отправились в двухнедельную археологическую экспедицию в Уалихановский район СКО. Там, в ходе раскопок, в нижнем течении р. Селеты найдены руины древних мавзолеев с захоронениями правителей, остатк...

02 October 2019