В нашем вузе прошло совещание по вопросам поддержки международного проекта "G-global - Expo 2017" с участием активистов общественных объединений и членов студенческих научных обществ. G-global – это новая форма диалога между вузами Казахстана с целью международного сотрудничества. В поддержку данного проекта в Казахском Национальном университете ...
09 February 2015Свое 85-летие отметила ветеран труда, Отличник народного просвещения КазССР Валентина Сергеевна Кривега, проработавшая в нашем учебном заведении более 45 лет. Все эти годы она передавала знания и прививала студентам любовь к самой точной науке – математике. Ее выпускники успешно работают не только в нашем вузе, но и в других вузах ближнего и дальне...
05 February 2015Events devoted to the 20th anniversary of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan are held in our university. Representatives of Armenian ethnocultural association retold students about the culture and traditions of Armenian diaspora living in our region at the meeting. A lecture about the history of the Assembly formation was given. Participants of the m...
05 February 2015A meeting was held with deputy chairman of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, professor Anatoliy Bashmakov dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan at the university. The moral education of youth and religious tolerance were discussed at the meeting. The meeting was held in dialogue form, where each man could pass own op...
02 February 2015На сегодняшний день в Казахстане развернута борьба с таким социальным злом, как коррупция. В университете состоялась встреча студентов с представителями Департамента Агентства Республики Казахстан по делам государственной службы и противодействию коррупции по Северо-Казахстанской области, на которой обсуждались вопросы трудоустройства в государстве...
02 February 2015«Устная традиция народа Казахстана» - под таким названием в нашем университете прошел учебно-познавательный семинар. В мероприятии приняли участие представители областной Ассамблеи народа Казахстана, актеры северо-казахстанского казахского музыкально-драматического театра им. С.Муканова, областного театра кукол, преподаватели и студенты вуза. Фоль...
02 February 2015In a modern world a great attention is paid to study the celestial sphere. our university trains astronomers, specialists on this sphere. The astrophysical center is founded on the basis of an observatory, which was built in 2004. It is equipped with a high-power 77 centimeters telescope with an electronic system of positioning, a distance control...
19 January 2015The department of “Assembly of People of Kazakhstan”, opened last year, has conducted the scientific-methodological seminar on the theme “The role of the intellectual potential of the faculty of North Kazakhstan state university named after M. Kozybayev in the scientific-methodological maintenance of the activity of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan...
19 January 2015Quality management service of NKSU named after M. Kozybayev urgently requires a power engineer. Requirements: a higher technical education. The main activity: collecting and analyzing the data on energy consumption, planning a work for energy saving. Contact by phone 49-32-33 additionally 1014.
13 January 2015An academic mobility has become one of the major components of the process of Kazakhstan universities integration in the international educational space. Students, undergraduates and doctoral students get a broad education having an access to recognized centers of knowledge, exploring the diversity of languages and cultures.Today it is signed agree...
12 January 2015The book "Ethnopoetics. The dialogue of cultures and languages" of our teacher, Doctor of Philology, Professor Tabakova Zinaida was published in the German international printing publishing house Palmarium Academic Publishing. Today, in the era of globalization, the need for cross-cultural exchange plays an important role. Ethnopoetics as the cont...
12 January 2015On December 30, 2014 it was held meeting of the Republic contest commission on awarding a title "The best teacher of the HEI" by chairing of the vice-minister T. Balykbaev at the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Owner of this title from our university were two representatives of History, economics and law faculty: ...
05 January 2015Engineering and technology faculty has conducted the International scientific-practical conference "Topical issues of energy saving and new technologies of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan". A program of the conference included a plenary meeting and works on sections. The rector of NKSU Undasyn Ashimov noted that the effective ...
24 December 2014A meeting of members of the information and propaganda group, deputy minister of internal affairs Vladimir Bozhko and deputy of the mazhilis of the parlament Abay Tasbulatov, was held with teachers and students on elucidation of the Address of the President "Nurly zhol - the way of the future" at the university. Guests were introduced by the Rector...
19 December 201423 years ago, on December 16, 1991 Kazakhstan gained its independence. Since our country is on the path of development, and has already taken its place on the world stage. This day is a great and important holiday for all Kazakhstan people. Each year, the whole country celebrate this great holiday. This year NKSU named after M. Kozybaev has celebra...
22 December 2014The students of NKSU have posibilities as training at leading universities of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, researching on the base of modern scientific centers due to the academic mobility program. Within this program professor of the University of Hawaii, the USA Robert Stodden is at our university. During 2 weeks PhD doctor will read the ...
10 December 2014Early 9 December is the International anti-corruption day. In this regard, on the initiative of the Department of Kazakhstan Agency for Civil Service Affairs and anti-corruption of NKO the Youth Forum "Our duty - to serve the people" was held. It was attended by representatives of law enforcement and administration of the university. The speakers ...
11 December 2014Engineering and technology faculty trains Bachelors of technique and technology in transport, building, radioengineering, mechanical engineering, standardization and design. On December 8 ETF has conducted Doors Open Days. Organizers were the department "Тransport and mechanical engineering" (TandM). It was organized an excursion of educational ...
10 December 2014Студенческий театр «Шанырак» СКГУ им. Манаша Козыбаева начал свою деятельность в 2002 году. В театре с более чем 10-летней историей воспитывалась талантливая молодежь, оттачивая свое актерское мастерство. До этого дня театр демонстрировал постановки в юмористическом жанре, но спектакль «Дерт» – трагедия. Руководитель студенческого театра «Шанырак»...
11 December 2014In order to promote and develop sports and improving kinds of gymnastics among students a traditional gymnastic show was held at the university. It was organized by the department of "Sport disciplines and military training" and "Physical Culture". For athletes, this is another opportunity to show everything, what they can do. After all, sports - ...
05 December 2014On December 5 a vivid game in Kazakh language, has already become traditional, invited KVN fans again. It was attended not only by students of our university, but also guests from Astana.This time, the game was held in 2 stages: greeting and 80s songs. 6 teams looked in the past and competed for the semifinals. Presentation was opened by guests fr...
11 December 2014Our university has conducted an online video-conference at G-Global communicative area within the 8th Astana economic forum. Heads of scientific organizations, universities, board of education of regions, Astana and Almaty took part in the event's work. Rectors of KazNU of Al-Farabi, ENU of Gumilev and others made reports. All of them discussed is...
05 December 2014On December 1, 1991 all people of the country unanimously chose as the first president N.A.Nazarbayev. Today we celebrate this day as a state holiday. A colloective of our university expressed support for a wise policy of the president at the scientific-practical conference "The First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abisevich Nazarbayev - the le...
05 December 2014В последние дни ноября впервые на базе нашего университета прошел международный инвестиционный форум "Kyzylzhar Invest 2014". Его участниками стали восемьсот делегатов из двадцати стран мира. Работа форума началась с пленарного заседания, в котором приняли участие аким области Ерик Cултанов, Первый вице-министр индустрии и новых технологий Альберт ...
10 December 2014The extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Kazakhstan mr. Peck Chu-Khen and the second secretary of the embassy of the Republic of Korea mrs. Pack Chzu Yon have visited NKSU named after M. Kozybayev. Firstly guests have met with the University’s Rector Undasyn Ashimov. It was talked about the training of qualified ...
18 November 2014