On December 26 the seminar "Work with databases (ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus, etc.). Common problems of publication of articles in rating magazines with a nonzero impact-factor" was held. Today scientist must publish research works’ results in science magazines with the nonzero impact-factor to make himself and scientific researches known. The im...
29 December 2013ETF “Building” specialty graduates scientific projects took the second and third places on the nomination "Calculation and Design of Buildings and Constructions" in the international festival of architectural and construction and design schools of Eurasia, which passed on November 28-30 in Istanbul (Turkey). Universities representatives of 17 coun...
27 December 2013According to the decision of the Interdepartmental working group on coordination of the local history activity operating at akimat of NKO in SKGU the working group is created headed by the vicerector responsible for scientific work and international relations Laura Kairzhanova for realization interactive online project “Timeline”. Also our scientis...
23 December 2013On 11 December at meeting of the Academic council of the university the solemn delivery of diplomas to four winners of republican Competition for the best research work among students of higher education institutions of RK on natural, technical, social and humanitarian and economic science hold. Alexander Stepanenko, Erlik Esimseitov took the secon...
23 December 201312 teachers of our higher education institution this year passed training period abroad. According to the program National center of the professional development "Orleu" of the Ministry of Education and Science they could visit the largest universities of Germany, Spain, Portugal, Great Britain. Teachers reported on results of trips on the managem...
23 December 2013Water recourses exhaustion – today an actual around the world. According to the UN, more than 1,2 billion people live in conditions of constant deficiency of fresh water. In Kazakhstan the attention is paid to this question at the highest level. Today there is a possibility of reduction of expected deficiency of water due to modernization of infras...
12 December 2013George Ovchinnikov – a scientist, a candidate of geographical sciences, a rector of Petropavlovsk teacher’s institute named after Ushinskiy (1953-1954), an organizer of the higher geographical education in NKO. In this week a scientific conference is held, devoted to the 110 anniversary of George Ovchinnikov. Colleagues and pupils of George Ovchinn...
12 December 2013At a round table teachers and students of all faculties of higher education institution invited to discuss heritage of our fellow countrymen – scientists, natives of the North Kazakhstan oblast. "Scientists of Kazakhstan – to the Homeland" – under such name event took place. Participants made reports on merits of outstanding persons in science – M...
10 December 2013The folk student's theater "Curve Mirror" pleased the audience with a premiere of the musical comedy of Valentin Krasnogorov "Knightly passions". The plot of the play which young actors played on a scene, reminds "Romeo and Juliette" - the same conflicting families and forbidden love of their children. "Over statement worked 2 months , - the dire...
09 December 2013In higher education institution gymnastic show was held 22 years on end, which organized by the faculty of physical training. This year this action is devoted to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 5 teams from different faculties took part in competition. In the first round each team staged one gymnastic show, trying to surprise t...
06 December 2013Kazakhstan politologists congress was held by initiator Ministry of the culture and information on 25 November in Almaty at the building of Academy of science of Kazakhstan. Between more than 100 its participants was also an Associate professor of the department of history and social-human disciplines of NKSU, Candidate of History Ludmila Grivennay...
05 December 2013In November awarding to the best scholarship holders of the Programme educational grant of the fund “BOTA” valuable prizes was held. The award youth confers on the high academic achievements for the past academic year and the best volunteer work. The number of successful students in PEG is risen from year to year. In 2011 winners were 12, in 2012 3...
04 December 2013Participants of the regional scientific-practical conference “The First President N.A. Nazarbayev – an internationally famous leader” became students, postgraduates and teachers of the HEI. Opening the event the vice-rector responsible for educational work Mukaram Taizhanova noted, - all things, which were achieved over the years of the independen...
03 December 201325.11.2013 the Religious Board of Muslims of Kazakhstan and central mosque “Kizilzhar” organized a conference on theme “Religion and tradition” at our HEI. Those meeting was organized with purpose to form spiritual values, not be ardour for the religious extremism and religious trends. Rayon mosques imams took part in it. At the conference reports...
29 November 2013На кафедре сельского хозяйства ЕГФ готовят будущих агрономов, лесников, а с этого учебного года, еще и технологов производства продуктов животноводства. Сегодня здесь обучается более 270 студентов. В нашем регионе они весьма востребованы, как отметили на круглом столе, посвященном Дню работников сельского хозяйства. На мероприятии присутствовали р...
22 November 2013Международный день студента – любимый праздник у молодежи причастной к этой части общества. Торжественно и весело его отметили и студенты СКГУ. Концертную программу подготовил Студенческий клуб. В актовом зале со сцены звучали поздравления, музыкальные номера – всё, чем богаты творческие коллективы нашего вуза. Лучшие представители студенчества за...
22 November 2013On the eve of the international day of students in the HEI passed opening of a new season of games KVN in an official language. 11 teams took part in the first game. For some of them this day was a scenic debut. The hall, as usual, was full judges of humour. "NKSU Evolution" was the theme of a greeting. For the second competition the theme "News" ...
20 November 2013В рамках недели качества прошел бинарный урок на тему «Отбасындағы салт-дәстүрлер». Провели его преподаватели кафедр «Казахский язык» и «Правовые дисциплины» (урок казахского языка прошел совместно с правоведением) для первокурсников специальности «Финансы». В нашем вузе уже несколько лет используется этот метод ведения занятий. Он позволяет изуча...
20 November 2013This year our HEI is 10 years of age from the date of assignment of a name of outstanding Kazakhstan scientist Manash Kozybayev. Carrying out the Kozybayev readings are became a good tradition. This week prominent scientists, writers and the members of his family who have arrived to the HEI on the international scientific and practical conference ...
18 November 2013The department of the kazakh language held the first meeting of the creative club "Dostar" for tecahers, employees and students, called to acquaint its participants with the Kazakh national customs, traditions and superstition, to develop skills of know an official language. Through games and video they could learn rules of the greeting, congratul...
14 November 2013Scientific-theoretical Conference "Tasks of the HEI in the light of the realization of the new political doctrine of "Nur Otan" was held in NKSU named after M. Kozybayev. The event was attended by the First Deputy Chairman of the regional branch of the party "Nur Otan" Arthur Moldagulov. Opening the meeting, Rector of NKSU Undasyn Ashimov said: "To...
14 November 2013"Organization of the polylingual teaching in the HEI" - on this theme a scientific-methodological seminar was held for PTS of the university. Ways of development of students' knowledge on Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages were proposed for teachers in it: organization of binary lessons (together with two teachers in two languages), use of term...
14 November 2013The aim of an annual seminar on the theme "Perspectives of the musical education", which held last week at the HEI - to define problems, also to evaluate achievements in the field of culture and music. Its organizator is the department of musical disciplines. In the event reports on developments were made in the field of innovative technologies re...
13 November 2013The student theater "Shanyrak" started the opening of his 13 seasons with a theatrical concert "Pai Pai, Shanyrantyn zhastary-ai!". This year, the cast is updated almost completely. Today there are more than 15 people in the troupe, young artists manifest themselves with particular zeal on stage. Therefore, this form of communication with the audie...
08 November 2013This week the famous pianist, a musician of world renown, winner of many international competitions, the rector of Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, a prominent public figure Jania Aubakirova visited NKSU. However, the visit was not only filled with music. The evening passed in an atmosphere of friendly conversation, we got a su...
08 November 2013