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"Manash Kozybayev
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NSSF: На ФИЭП-е прошел конкурс «MISS TEACHER»

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Petropavlovsk pedagogical institute (1955-1994)

In the mid-50s, in connection with a significant influx of population into Northern Kazakhstan for the development of virgin and fallow lands, the problem of training high school teachers was an acute problem. The leadership of the Petropavlovsk Teachers’ Institute, public organizations together with party and Soviet bodies of the North Kazakhstan Region petitioned the government of the Kazakh Republic to reorganize the teachers’ institute into a pedagogical one.

On June 1, 1955, the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR decided to reorganize the Petropavlovsk Teacher's Institute into a Pedagogical Institute. According to the decision, the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute had three faculties: the Russian language and literature, Physics and Mathematics and Geographics. The full-time contingent of the first enrollment of the university was 200 people, part-time - 100 people. At the faculty of Russian language and literature, the recruitment was as follows: full-time - 75 people, external study mode - 25 people; in the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics - 100 and 50 people, respectively; at the Faculty of Geography - 25 and 25 people.

This contingent with minor changes continued to be the main one in the planned tasks of the Ministry of Education. So, for the academic year 1956-1957, the full-time admission plan for the faculty of Russian language and literature was determined to be 75 people, the full-time department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was slightly reduced, making up 75 people, and the admission to the geography department was increased to 50 people.

The first rector of the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute was A.M. Sannikov.

In 1959, he was replaced by a candidate of pedagogical sciences V.A. Tsaturyan, who worked at Petropavlovsk Teacher's Institute since 1953. His pedagogical skills, a high level of requirements, combined with deep knowledge were highly appreciated by teachers, staff, students.

A significant contribution to the development of the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute was made by the rector, Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor Shakenov Kanash Shakenovich. During his leadership (1969 - 1987), the university expanded its material and technical base: new educational buildings, student dormitories, two residential buildings for teachers and employees, an agricultural station, and new specialties were opened. Under his leadership, a cooperation agreement was concluded with M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, which allowed for high-quality training of scientific personnel and in the mid-80s to bring the proportion of qualified personnel to 34.9% of the total number of teachers. K.Sh.Shakenov was the chairman of the regional society “Knowledge”, the author of an autobiographical novel (“Aul on a virgin field”) and numerous scientific and journalistic articles.

From 1987 to 1994, the rector of the institute, and from 1994 to 1996, the rector of North Kazakhstan University was a doctor of biological sciences, professor A.M. Malygin. For his merits in the training of teaching staff and a great contribution to the public life of the city of Petropavlovsk, he was awarded the title of honorary citizen of the city of Petropavlovsk.

In 1956, according to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Kazakh SSR, all pedagogical institutes were transferred to a five-year period of study in order to prepare teachers of a wide profile. At the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute, teachers were trained in the following specialties: mathematics, physics, drawing; Russian language, literature, history; biology, chemistry and geography.

In the 1958-1959 academic year, the material base of the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute improved. From the school building, located on the outskirts of the city of Petropavlovsk, the institute moved to a new three-story building (now building No. 3 on Pushkin Street); in addition, the institute retained the building of the former school of collective farm personnel (Internatsionalnaya Street, 11a).

The new building houses administrative services, a library, a reading room with 80 seats, a lecture hall with 125 seats, 8 classrooms, an assembly hall, offices of the foundations of Marxism-Leninism, geography, zoology, botany, methods of physics, mathematics, chemistry, a hall for physical education. Part of the classrooms and laboratories was located in the second academic building. However, the expansion of the training area coincided with a significant increase in the number of study groups (up to 45), which led to the organization of classes in 2 shifts.

The creation of a pedagogical university led to a qualitative improvement in the teaching staff. The status of a pedagogical institute attracted both representatives of the local intelligentsia and nonresident. In the academic year 1957-1958, candidates of sciences worked at the university: G.D. Ovchinnikov, E.A. Galashina, K.Sh. Shakenov, P.D. Vereshchagin, P.D. Vetoshkin, M.B. Grenadier, I.I. Voloshin, N.S. Ryzhkov, A.E. Sinerukov, T.D. Goldstein, I.Ya. Garms, R.K. Akberdin, L.P. Anisimov, which accounted for 19.7% of the total number of teachers .

The scientific interests of these scientists contributed to the formation of new integrated areas in the research of the departments. So, P.D. Vereshchagin defended his thesis on the topic: "The resettlement policy of tsarism in Kazakhstan and its socio-economic results". Continuing research in this direction, V.S. Chernikov began work on the topic of his dissertation “Peasant colonization of Northern Kazakhstan and its socio-economic consequences”. In 1966, V.S. Chernikov successfully defended his thesis at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University.

The university’s need for highly qualified specialists was solved by inviting specialists from other universities of the country (associate professors A.E. Sinerukov, R.M. Bartsinsky, A.M. Malygin, A.E. Beskrovny, professor I.A. Figurovsky and others) , invitations of experienced school teachers (M.I. Benyukh, V.L. Rabinovich, V.T. Yuhimuk, M.O. Manukyan, I.K. Sleptsov, A.A. Karsten, R.B. Gotsman, E. A.Sizova, E.F. Egorova, Zh.K. Nurpeisov and others), many of whom subsequently defended their dissertations, training teachers from among graduates - R.K. Akberdin, E.F. Rauche, F.A .Sim, Z.P. Tabakova, M.T. Dzyuba, R.Zh. Shukenova, F.A. Khomutovsky, A.F. Shkurko, S.R.Utinov, V.A. Kim, A.P. Utinova , V.P. Gusakov, T.M. Kanaeva, V.F. Zaibert, E.V. Samoilenko, A.A. Pleshakov, V.I. Zaitov, S.I. Ibraev S.I. and many others.

In the early 60s, the university was in its infancy. In December 1961, an expanded council of the university took place, at which the question of sponsorship assistance to Moscow State University was discussed. M.V. Lomonosov Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute. At a meeting of the academic council of the university, a professor of chemistry at Moscow State University A.N. Kost spoke. On behalf of the leadership of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, he proposed forms of interconnection and relationships between Moscow State University and the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute, which opened up prospects for the university to improve the material base, provide the institute with pedagogical staff, use the periodical publication “Vestnik MSU” for the publication of scientific works, prepare and defend dissertations, exchange representatives of student groups.

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University made a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified teachers. In 1979, between M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute concluded an agreement on cooperation and patronage assistance. According to this agreement, about 50 teachers of the institute graduated from the graduate school of Moscow State University and defended their dissertations.

The training of teaching staff has always been at the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute in the focus of attention of the leadership of the university, departments, and scientific department. If in 1955, out of 41 full-time teachers, only 6 had a degree (14.6%), then in 1986, among 243 teachers - 1 doctor, 84 candidates of science, which amounted to 35% of the total number of teachers.

In the 50s and early 60s, the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute underwent structural changes caused by its further development. In May 1959, a department for the training of physical education teachers and boarding school teachers was opened as part of the NGF. In 1961, new departments were organized: philosophy and political science (the head of the department was K.Sh. Shakenov), physical geography (the head of the department was G.D. Ovchinnikov), economic geography (the head of the department was A.A. Karsten) , chemistry (the head of the department - A.K. Cherepakhin), sports and sports games (the head of the department was A.P. Tyutrimov), theories and methods of teaching physical education (the head of the department was A.A. Schlegel), foreign languages (head of the department was E.A. Sizova), history (head of the department was P. D. Vereshchagin).

The training of such versatile specialists required not only an increase in the training period, but also a strengthening of the material base and personnel. At the beginning of the 60s, under the conditions of the “thaw” at the meeting of the Academic Council of the Pedagogical Institute, the article by T. Vasilyeva “Student becomes a specialist ... What kind of?”, Published in the newspaper “Young virgin lands” (12.16.1961) was discussed. During the discussion, weaknesses in the training of specialists were noted (loss of study time as a result of students participating in harvesting, insufficient communication with the school, lack of communication with graduates) and the possibility of improving the quality of training by refusing to train teachers with a dual specialty: “Mathematics and Physics”, “Russian language, literature and history”, “Geography and biology”). The appeal of the academic council of the university to the Ministry of Education of the Kazakh SSR led to a change in the profile of training. New curricula were introduced that focused on one-field specialties: “Russian Language and Literature”, “Geography”, “Biology”, etc.

The curricula of the pedagogical institute contained the same sections as in the teacher's institute, but differed in a significant increase in the number of hours in professional disciplines. The hours on social sciences and humanities were significantly increased: the history of the CPSU, philosophy, scientific communism. Together with special courses, they were allocated up to 30% of the study time. Professional disciplines occupied 60-65% of the study time, and the rest of the time was devoted to practice.

Under the command-administrative system of management, curricula were often adjusted by decisions and decisions of the government. The school, including the higher one, was undergoing campaigning approaches that caused a significant restructuring of the entire educational process. So, for example, the direction in the late 50s - early 60s was the polytechnic education.

The polytechnicization of knowledge as a direction of development of the secondary school presented new requirements for the university: improving teacher training, expanding his professional skills and abilities, and, consequently, strengthening the material base of the university. Solving these problems, the pedagogical institute introduced new forms of teacher training. So, the Department of Geography created a meteorological station, which housed two weathercocks, a meteorological booth with a thermometer and a hair hydrometer, rain gauges. Geographical students systematically monitored air temperature and humidity, wind direction and speed, atmospheric pressure, and cloud cover. Weather observation skills helped future teachers organize geographic locations at schools.

A significant place in the preparation of teachers was given to practical classes on the basics of agriculture. All types of practices were held at the university agrobiostation. Scientific experiments were conducted at its sites, training sessions were held on varietal selection, cultivation of individual crops, and cultivation of fruit and berry crops in Northern Kazakhstan. Work at the agrobiostation was combined with the participation of students in harvesting for one month annually. Students got acquainted with grain processing, plowing of winter plows, sowing winter crops and other types of agricultural work. A significant contribution to the work of the argobiostation was made by M.S. Nekrasov, S.A. Krotova, V.V. Vilkov, N.F. Zhelnin. About 4.5 thousand trees and bushes of fruit crops were planted. In addition, various crop rotations were planted on the site of the agrobiostation.

In 1960-1964 at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics there was a general technical department (head of the department A.A. Arendarenko), which carried out the practical training of students. In order to acquire practical skills, students were equipped with workshops for processing wood, metal, auto-making and electrical engineering, which were located on the ground floor of the educational building on Internatsionalnaya Street, 11a. A wood processing training workshop was equipped for 12 jobs. The metal processing workshop had 13 locksmiths and 14 other profile machines (8 lathes, 4 drilling, 1 milling and 1 circular grinding). In the second building there was a darkroom, a drawing room.

From the mid-50s to the beginning of the 90s, teachers were trained at several faculties at the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute. The Natural-geographic faculty was a leader in the training of teaching staff not only for the North Kazakhstan region, but also for the entire Northern region of the Kazakh Republic. The department of geography, headed by the candidate of geographical sciences G.D.Ovchinnikov, occupied the leading place in this faculty in the 50s. Initially, the faculty was focused on graduating only geography teachers, but since 1957 the faculty has expanded the training of teachers in the natural sciences and has been training teachers in geography and biology, biology and the fundamentals of agriculture, biology and chemistry. A significant contribution to the training of teachers in the natural sciences was made by the candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor I.I. Voloshin, the candidate of agricultural sciences R.M. Bartsinsky, and the candidate of biological sciences D.M. Sagdiev. In 1966, A.A. Karsten defended his thesis at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, the materials of his dissertation were included in the "Geographical Atlas of the Virgin Territory". A.A. Karsten combined work as the head of the department with the post of vice-rector for academic work. With his coming to this position, the quality of teaching and methodological work at the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute has significantly improved. In 1961, the Department of Biology was established at the faculty (the head of the department was I.F. Povarenkin). A year later, the Department of Biology was divided into two: the Department of Botany and the Department of Zoology. N.G.Shafiev, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor was appointed to the department of botany, then R.M. Bartsinsky, candidate of agricultural sciences, assistant professor. The Department of zoology was headed by A.Ya. Cherkasskaya, candidate of biological sciences. In 1963, the Department of Fundamentals of Agriculture was created (the head of the department was N.F. Zhelnin), which led to the expansion of the material base of specialist training.

In 1966, the Department of Anatomy and Human Physiology was formed at the NGF, the candidate of biological sciences A.M. Malygin became the head of the department. Together with A.M. Malygin, S.I. Loginov, N.A. Malygina, L.M. Andreeva, and the wife of Weiner came to the university. The emergence of new scientists led to the design of a whole area, which determined the leading position of the NGF in the scientific work of the 70-80s of the twentieth century. In 1971, A.M. Malygin defended his doctoral dissertation, based on the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute. The department in the 70 - 90 years became one of the leading not only in the pedagogical institute, but also in the republic. In 1975, N.A. Malygina defended herself, in 1979 - S.I. Loginov, in 1981 - G.M. Sergeyev, in 1982 - N.N. Semenov, M.A. Cherkasova, in 1987 - K.M. Kanguzhina. In 1991, the staff of the department was replenished with employees of the department of medical training. Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor N.T. Goncharov, senior teachers S.A. Burkova and L.M. Bernikova began to work at the department. In connection with the change in profile, the department became known as the department of physiology and the basics of medical knowledge (head of the department was S.I. Loginov). The share of employees with academic degrees and titles was 70% at the department.

The growth of qualified personnel was accompanied by the strengthening of scientific ties. Scientists from the central universities of Kazakhstan and Russia were invited to give lectures. The research work of students has significantly improved. In 1992, the department opened a research laboratory of physiology of adaptation (NILFA). Led the laboratory S.I. Loginov, 15 people participated in the work. Employees have developed a computer hardware-software complex designed to monitor the condition of cardiac patients.

In 1993, graduate school was opened at the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute.

In the training of teachers of the humanitarian profile, a special place was occupied by the historical and philological faculty. Already in the first year of the existence of the Pedagogical Institute, the Department of History and Philology trained teachers of literature, the Russian language and history. In 1962-1975, the training of history teachers was conducted at the department of the historical and philological faculty. Meanwhile, the contingent of students of the Faculty of History and Philology in this period has grown significantly. In 1967, a branch of the Russian language and literature was opened for Kazakh schools. In 1989, teachers of the Kazakh language and literature began to be trained at the faculty. In 1991, for the further development of this specialty, the Department of Kazakh Philology was organized (the head of the department was the candidate of pedagogical sciences K.M. Atygaeva).

At the same time, preparations were underway for the opening of a foreign language department. In the years 1963-1965. On the basis of the Faculty of History and Philology, two-year courses for the training of teachers of foreign languages ​​were organized, and in the 1972-1973 academic year a department of foreign languages ​​was opened. Rector K.Sh. Shakenov, Dean F.A.Sim made a significant contribution to the opening of this department.

In 1975-1985 The historical and pedagogical faculty existed as an independent structural unit, providing training for history teachers and head teachers in educational work. The archaeological practice introduced in the curriculum largely determined, starting from the 70s, the level of training of teachers-historians, specialists in archeology. A significant contribution to the formation of this scientific direction was made by G.B Zdanovich, S.Ya. Zdanovich, V.F. Seibert, M.K. Khabdulina, A.A. Pleshakov, V.I. Zaitov, A.M. Kislenko, O.I. Martynyuk.

In the mid-60s, the forms of student enrollment changed. In search of a trained applicant from the 1963-1964 school year, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics organized a youth physics and mathematics school for two groups of schoolchildren in the city (one group for students in grades 9 and one for grades 10-11). Classes were held twice a week for two hours. The school was organized by M.O. Manukyan, V.A. Novoseltsev, V.L. Rabinovich. Initially, 36 people attended school.

The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics trained teachers of physics and mathematics only in full-time education. The scientific laboratory, headed by the doctor of pedagogical sciences D.Sh. Matros, allowed one of the first among the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan to begin training computer science teachers. On April 17, 1985, the newspaper Kazakhstanskaya Pravda wrote about successes in studying the basics of computer science at the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute: “... fourth-year students, even from rural schools where they did practice, call and ask their guys for an excursion to mainframe computers. And not just stand to watch, but put into the car the game program that you have prepared, see the result. ”

In the mid-60s, the Faculty of Physical Education was opened, it trained teachers of physical education and teachers of boarding schools.

The opening of the department attracted young specialists from different cities - graduates of the Alma-Ata Institute of Physical Culture: A. M. Demchenko, A. A. Sviridov, V. I. Kalinina, I. I. Kruchina, L.A. Kruchina; young teachers: V.I. Ikonnikova, A.P. Tyutryumov, Artemyev from Leningrad, A.N. Razuvaeva, A.V. Bryabrina, L.V. Gerasimovich - from Moscow, Yu.D. Minosyan - from Baku, Honored Trainer of the Republic Kh.D. Murzakhmetov..

In 1967, two special departments emerged from the All-Institute Department of Physical Education - the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education (head of the department was A.A. Schlegel) and the Department of Sports and Sports Games (head of the department was A.P. Tyutryumov). In 1962, young specialists were recruited: S. B. Kaverin, V. K. Tulaev, G. N. Porotikov, and others.

In different years, more than 300 masters of sports, candidates for masters of sports and more than 450 first-class graduates graduated from the faculty. In the late 50s and early 60s, the honor of the faculty and the institute was successfully defended by students K.E.Darbaev, V.I. Tokmakova - master of sports in speed skating, A.G. Radomskaya - master of sports in athletics, N. Korotkevich. Republican champions were R. Tukhvatullina, T. Rodoman, L. Nikulevich (athletics), V. Abramov, V. Vik (wrestling), G. Polonets (boxing), V. Senkin, N. Semenov (athletics), V .Nurkeev (wrestling), Z.V. Rusakova - master of sports in cycling.

At the end of the 60s, basketball and volleyball players were the permanent champions of the region. Under the guidance of coach R.R. Minosyan, in 1969 the basketball team became the silver medalist of the championship of the Kazakh SSR. At that time B. Boytsov, A. Baryshnikov, G. Akushev, A. Borisko played in the national team.

The participants in the All-Union Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR were the students of the honored trainer of the Kazakh SSR Kh.D. Murzamuhamedov - students of V. Tokmakov, E. Nekrasov, V. Bondarenko. The institute’s sports were led by a sports club led by competent organizers, dedicated people: M.S. Bazilevsky, V.I. Kalinin, V.K. Tulaev, V.A. Bondarenko, V.I. Zhulepov, M.G. .Angelica. Skiers under the leadership of L.A. Kruchina and I.I. Kruchina - T. Baranova, T. Dorofeeva, V. Grigoryev, M. Zakharova, L. Golovchanskaya, V. Vishnevsky, took the leading positions in those years.

At the end of the 70s, in connection with the changes that took place in the education system, it became necessary to open new specialties. Back in the 60s, attempts were made at the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute to train primary school teachers and educators for boarding schools. In 1962 - 1965, the training of teachers and educators of school institutions was carried out by the faculty of pedagogy and primary education. In 1978, he was transformed into the Faculty of Music and Education. Three special departments were organized on the basis of the department of musical disciplines: choral singing, the theory of music and musical instruments, and methods of musical education. In addition, the department of pedagogy and primary education methods has been preserved.

Musically-pedagogical faculty was focused on the practical training of primary school teachers and music teachers for secondary schools. The search for the most active forms of acquaintance of students with a future specialty led the teachers of the department to create a class-laboratory, in which the teachers of the department should conduct lessons. Since September 1985, such a class began to work on the basis of secondary school No. 7. A significant role in the creation of the laboratory class was played by the initiative of the rector, dean M.T.Dzyuba, head of the department I.I.Shinkarenko, teachers G.M. Polyakova, V.I. Ermolenko, as well as support for educational authorities of the North Kazakhstan region.

Somewhat later, teachers of the music department T.V. Getting, V.G. Khlystun, N.A. Afonina and others created laboratory classes for organizing training sessions and extra-curricular activities in the music education system of D. B. Kabalevsky. In 1989, the experience was extended to all other departments. Branches of the departments were opened in all specialties. So, the departments of literature and the Russian language had a laboratory class in secondary school No. 2, the department of history opened a branch in secondary school No. 11. The teaching of private methods approached the school. Laboratory classes using private methods not only revealed teaching methods, they did the visual work of the methodologists. On the basis of school research at the university, term papers and dissertations were carried out.

During its existence, the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute significantly expanded the training of specialists. While 200 people studied at the teacher training institute in two courses in the 1938-1939 academic year, about 1,000 people took part in the pedagogical school year 1957-1958, taking into account full-time and part-time forms of education, and in the mid-80s full-time and part-time departments 3970 students studied already.

In the 80s, the institute already had six faculties and a preparatory department, training specialists in ten specialties.

The growth in the student body was accompanied by an increase in the number of educational buildings and student hostels. There was a gradual formation of the campus. Since 1958, the Pedagogical Institute was located in two educational buildings. In 1961, a sports hall was built in the courtyard of the university. In 1977, a new educational building for 1200 places was commissioned along Abay Street. In 1987, building No. 1 was built with two streaming audiences, with a modern sports hall, the area of ​​which allows holding sports events of the republican level.

The construction of educational buildings was accompanied by a significant improvement in the social conditions of teachers and students. By the mid-80s, university professors were provided with housing through the distribution of the city fund, the construction of two residential buildings for teachers of the pedagogical institute, and the allocation of rooms to young specialists in student dormitories. In 1955, the institute had one uncomfortable dormitory room for 100 people, in 1964 the first model hostel for 400 people was commissioned, then the second - for 632 people, the third and fourth - for 360 people each. In the mid-80s, all students in need of a hostel were provided with quite comfortable housing conditions. The construction of educational buildings and student dormitories in the territory, quite close to them, created prospects for the arrangement of the campus with its services.

A prominent place in the life of the student team was amateur art. This is understandable: where there is youth, there is song and dance, guitar and button accordion, a light vaudeville and serious drama that makes not only the mind, but also the heart work ... The Pilgrim Theater won the universal recognition not only from the audience, but also from the theater community of the republic. honorary title of the people. It was created on the basis of a drama group of students of the philological faculty, which in 1970, on its small stage, successfully performed two productions based on the plays by F. Dostoevsky and N. Nekrasov (“Uncle's Dream” and “Autumn Boredom”). The first head of the student theater was Z.I. Basargina (Donetsk), now the director of the Peter and Paul Television Studio.

In 1976, the Pilgrim Theater was awarded the title of People’s, and in 1983 it solemnly celebrated its tenth anniversary. Everyone came to the meeting who at least somehow touched the world of theatrical art, which for them was “Pilgrim”. Over the years of its fruitful work, the Pilgrim Student Theater carried out a total of 240 productions; sincere, kind notes were published about each such theater premiere in the regional newspaper. And nowadays, the theater annually takes part in the regional amateur show of drama groups, every two years confirming the title of folk. “Pilgrim” was awarded several diplomas (regional committee and city committee of the Komsomol), diplomas, received letters of thanks from organizations and institutions where students performed.

The experimental student theater “Crooked Mirror”, originally formed as a studio in the student theater “Pilgrim”, in 1989 stood out as an independent creative association. The origins of the Crooked Mirror theater studio were V. Proskuryakov, N. Dmitrieva, I. Kazarin. In the theatrical season of 1994-1995, viewers praised the production of the director V. Proskuryakov “Viy” (the performance-mystery based on the work of N.V. Gogol), in 1995-1996 - the production of the director V. Proskuryakov “The Master and Margarita” (M. Bulgakov). The recognition of the audience was gained by the skill of the studio's actors - I. Petrov, A. Sudakov, T. Filimonova, A. Gusev, V. Golikov, V. Malykhin and others.