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Educational programs of Master’s degree

EP group number  Name of groups of educational programs  Educational program  Direction
Accreditation  Profile disciplines
1st 2nd
7M01 Pedagogical sciences
М001 Pedagogy and Psychology
1. 7M01101 Pedagogy and Psychology Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)

  Pedagogy Pedagogy
2. 7M01102 Education Management and Leadership (IP) Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)
  Pedagogy Pedagogy
М005 Training of physical education teachers 3. 7M01401 Physical culture and sport Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)
  Pedagogy Theory and methodology of physical culture
М010 Training of teachers of mathematics  4. 7M01502 Маthematics
Scientific and pedagogical
(duration of training - 2 years)

Mathematics Methods of teaching mathematics
М011 Training of physics teachers 5. 7M01503 Physics Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)
  General physics Methods of teaching mathematics
М012 Training of informatics teachers 6. 7M01501 Computer Science
Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)

  Programming Methods of teaching computer science
Training of chemistry teachers 7. 7M01504 Chemistry Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)
  Chemistry Methods of teaching chemistry
М018 Training of teachers of Russian language and literature 8. 7M01702 Russian Language and Literature Scientific and pedagogical
(duration of training - 2 years)
Pedagogy Methods of teaching the Russian language
М019 Training of foreign language teachers 9. 7M01701 Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)

(Kazakh, Russian, English)

Professionally oriented foreign language (English, German, French)
М021 Special pedagogy 10. 7М01903 Special pedagogy Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)
  Special pedagogy Inclusive education
7M02 Arts and Humanities
М053 History and archeology 11. 7M02201 History Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)
  Ancient and medieval history of Kazakhstan Fundamentals of Archaeology
М060 Philology 12. 7M02301 Philology Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)
Morphology of the modern Russian language History of Russian literature of the first half of the XIX century
7M03 Social sciences, journalism and information
М067 Journalism and reporter's business 13. 7M03201 Journalism Scientific and pedagogical
(duration of training - 2 years)
  History of Kazakh journalism Genre forms and functions of modern journalism
7M04 Business, Management and Law
М070 Economics 14. 7M04101 Economics Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)
  The economy of the enterprise Macroeconomics

15. 7М04104 Management

Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)

  Management Business organization
16. 7M04102 Business administration (MBA) Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)
  Management Business organization
М074 Finance, banking and insurance 17. 7M04105 Finance Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)
Fundamentals of Finance Corporate Finance
18. 7М04108 Financial analytics Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)
  Fundamentals of Finance Corporate Finance
М078 Law 19. 7M04201 Jurisprudence Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)

  Theory of State and law Situational case (comprehensive legal analysis of a specific practical situation based on the application of the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and/or international law)
20. 7М04202 Jurisprudence Specialized 
(duration of training - 1 year)
  Theory of State and law Situational case (comprehensive legal analysis of a specific practical situation based on the application of the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and/or international law)
7M05 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics
М080 Biology 21. 7M05101 Biology Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)
  Cell Biology Botany
22. 7М05103  Biology Specialized 
(duration of training - 1 year)
  Cell Biology Botany
М082 Biotechnology 23. 7M05102 Biotechnology Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)
  Biochemistry Fundamentals of biotechnology
М084 Geography 24. 7M05201 Geography
Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)
  Physical geography of Kazakhstan Economic, social and political geography of the world
М087 Environmental protection technology 25. 7M05202 Ecology Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)
  Geoecology Environmental monitoring
М090 Physics 26. 7M05302 Astronomy and remote studies methods
Scientific and pedagogica
(duration of training - 2 years)
  Mechanics Molecular physics
7M06 Information and communication technologies
М094 Information technologies 27. 7M06102 Information systems Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)

Algorithms and data structures Databases
28. 7M06103 Information systems Specialized
(duration of training - 1 year)
  Algorithms and data structures Databases
М096 Communications and communication technologies 29. 7M06201 Radioengineering, electronics and telecommunications Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)

Theory of electrical communication Fundamentals of radio engineering and telecommunications
30. 7M06204 Radioengineering, electronics and telecommunications Specialized 
(duration of training - 1 year)
  Theory of electrical communication Fundamentals of radio engineering and telecommunications
7M07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries
М097 Chemical engineering and processes 31. 7M07102 Chemical technology of organic compounds Scientific and pedagogical
(duration of training - 2 years)
  Inorganic chemistry General chemical technology


Energy and electrical engineering
32. 7M07103 Electrical power engineering Scientific and pedagogical
(duration of training - 2 years)
Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering Electric machines
33. 7M07115 Electrical power engineering Specialized 
(duration of training - 1 year)
  Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering Electric machines
М102 Robotics and mechatronics 34. 7M07106 Robotic, intelligent systems and instrument engineering Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)

  Basics of Electronics Integrated and microprocessor circuitry
35. 7M07110 Robotic, intelligent systems and instrument engineering Specialized
(duration of training - 1 year)
Basics of Electronics Integrated and microprocessor circuitry
М103 Mechanics and metalworking 36. 7M07101 Mechanical engineering Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)

  Basics of interchangeability Machine Details
37. 7М07111 Mechanical engineering Specialized 
(duration of training - 1 year)
  Basics of interchangeability Machine Details
М104 Transport, transport equipment and technology 38. 7M07105 Transport, transport equipment and technology
Scientific and pedagogical
(duration of training - 2 years)

Fundamentals of technical operation of transport equipment Energy installations of transport equipment
39. 7М07112 Transport, transport equipment and technology  Specialized
(duration of training - 1 year)
   Fundamentals of technical operation of transport equipment Energy installations of transport equipment
М130 Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry) 40. 7М07502 Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry) Scientific and pedagogical
(duration of training - 2 years)
  Qualimetry Product testing, control and safety
41. 7М07504 Standardization and certification (by industry) Specialized
(duration of training - 1 year)
  Qualimetry Product testing, control and safety
7M08 Agriculture and bioresources
М131 Crop production 42. 7M08101 Agronomy Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)

  Crop production Soil science
М132 Animal husbandry 43. 7M08201 Technology of production of livestock products Scientific and pedagogical 
(duration of training - 2 years)

  Feeding farm animals Technology of production of livestock products