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MF: Мәңгілік ел – моя страна!

В завершение празднования Дня благодарности медицинский факультет 28.02.2025 г. в УЛК в  организовал квест «Мәңгілік ел – моя страна! читать далее

28 February 2025
MF: Check out – Проверь себя!

Под девизом «Проверь себя!» 28.02.2025 г. в УК №2 прошла благотворительная акция, приуроченная к празднованию Дня благодарности, организов читать далее

28 February 2025
NSSF: День благодарности на ФИЭПе

28 февраля 2025 года на факультете истории, экономики и права прошли мероприятия, посвященные Дню благодарности. Заместитель декана по воспитательной читать далее

28 February 2025
ИСТФ: Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies at the open days in February!

The open days at Kozybayev University are very active! Schoolchildren actively participate in competitions, visit new laboratories of faculties with m читать далее

27 February 2025
NSSF: На ФИЭП прошли лекция и семинар по финансовой грамотности

24 февраля 2025 года на факультете истории, экономики и права состоялись мероприятия, посвященные вопросам финансовой грамотности. В качестве гостевог читать далее

26 February 2025
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21 February 2025
MF: Благодарность без границ

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20 February 2025
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14 February 2025
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13 February 2025
Читать все

Rules for admission to master's programs

Step 1. Acceptance of applications for comprehensive testing

Acceptance of applications for participation in the comprehensive testing for admission to the magistracy is carried out:

  • from June 1 to July 8;
  • from October 28 to November 10.

You can apply on the website of National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Persons with international certificates confirming foreign language proficiency IELTS, TOEFL IBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-based test), DSH (Deutsche Sprachpruefung fuer den Hochschulzugang), TestDaF-Prufung, TFI (Test de Franзais International™), (Diplome d'Etudes en Langue franзaise), DALF (Diplome Approfondi de Langue franзaise), TCF (Test de connaissance du français), and international certificates of passing the standardized GRE test (Graduate Record Examinations), it is necessary to enter the certificate data when applying for participation in ielectronic format CT and in the competition.

A package of documents submitted when applying through the admissions committee:

  1. application addressed to the head of the Chairman of the Board - Rector;
  2. document on higher education (original);
  3. certificate of completion of internship (for admission to residency);
  4. identity document - a photocopy (required for identification);
  5. eight photos measuring 3x4 centimeters;
  6. medical certificate in the form 075 /y;
  7. document confirming work activity (for persons with work experience);
  8. list of scientific and methodological works (if available);
  9. certificate of passing a foreign language test (English, German, French):
  • English:  
    • TOEFL ITP – at least 543 points
    • TOEFL IBT - at least 60 
    • TOEFL PBT - at least 498 points
    • IELTS - at least 6,0 points
    • IELTS INDICATOR - at least 6,0 points
  • German:  
    • DSH - Niveau С1/ С1 level
    • TestDaF-Prufung - Niveau С1/ С1 level
  • French: 
    • TFI - not lower than level B1 in the reading and listening sections
    • DELF - В2 level
    • DALF - С1 level
    • TCF - at least 50 points

! Together with copies of the documents specified in this paragraph, their originals are provided for verification, carried out in the presence of the applicant. After verification, the original documents are returned.

! If an incomplete list of documents specified in this paragraph is provided, the selection committee does not accept documents from applicants.

Exempt from the foreign language test:

persons who have one of the international certificates confirming foreign language proficiency in accordance with the pan-European competencies (standards) of foreign language proficiency listed abovepersons who have completed foreign OHPE within 5 years in countries whose official or official language is English, and who have specialized accreditation of foreign accreditation bodies included in the registers and (or) associations of accreditation bodies of the member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Exempt from CT in the magistracy:

  • with Kazakh or Russian languages of instruction - persons entering the Master's degree program in groups of educational programs in the fields of education: Pedagogical Sciences, Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Information and Communication Technologies, Engineering, Manufacturing and construction industries, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business and Management in the presence of an international certificate of passing the standardized Graduate Record Examinations GRE with points according to Appendix 2 of the Standard Rules (optional)
  • with Kazakh, Russian or English languages - persons entering the Master's degree program for groups of educational programs in the fields of education: Pedagogical Sciences, Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Information and Communication Technologies, Engineering, Manufacturing and construction industries, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business and Management in the presence of an international certificate of passing the standardized Graduate Record Examinations GRE training with points according to Appendix 3 of the Standard Rules (optional)
  • with Kazakh, Russian or English languages of instruction - persons entering the master's degree program for groups of educational programs in the field of training "Business and Management" in the presence of an international certificate of passing the standardized Graduate Management Admission Test GMAT with scores according to Appendix 4 of the Standard Rules.
Step 2. Comprehensive testing

According to the CT results, an electronic certificate is issued through the personal account of the test subject, which is confirmed on the website of the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Persons enrolling in scientific-pedagogical magistracy shall take CT, including a test in a foreign language (optionally English, German, French), a test on the profile of educational programs groups, a test to assess preparedness for training.

Persons enrolling in a specialized magistracy shall take CT, which includes a test on the profile of educational programs groups.

Comprehensive testing for the Master's degree is carried out:

  • from July 20 to August 10;
  • from November 18 to December 11.


Step 3. Participation in the grant competition

To participate in the competition for the award of an educational grant, the applicant submits to the admissions committee:

  1. application on the form of the established sample;
  2. document on higher education (original in case of submission of the document to the admissions committee);
  3. CT certificate (in case of submission of the document to the admissions committee);
  4. medical certificate in form 075/y in electronic format, approved by Order No. KR DSM-175/2020;
  5. a copy of the identity card.

The competition for the award of an educational grant of the Master's degree takes into account the scores of CT results on the profile of a group of educational programs, a foreign language, a test to determine readiness for training.

In the case of identical CT results, persons with a high score on the test results for the profile of a group of educational programs receive preferential right, then the results of the test to determine readiness for training are taken into account, then the results of the foreign language test, and then – GPA (Grade Point Average) in the appendix to the diploma (previous level of education).

Step 4. Admission to the Master's program

Admission to the Master's program is carried out in the following terms:

      1) from 15 to 28 August;
      2) from December 26 to January 10.

Persons who have scored the highest CT scores are enrolled for training under the state educational order on a competitive basis:

  • for scientific and pedagogical master's degree - at least 75 points;
  • for a specialized master's degree – at least 50 points.

Admission to the master's program on a paid basis is carried out according to the results of CT.

! Persons with at least five years of experience in a managerial position in accordance with the register of positions of political and administrative civil servants, the register of positions of civil servants of relevant industries, or at least ten years of experience in the relevant profile of the educational program of the profile master's degree are enrolled on a paid basis based on the results of an interview conducted by the admissions committee.

Entrance exam programs 2024

Master's program

Minimum passing score for enrollment

Minimum passing score in a foreign language

Minimum passing score for the test according to the profile of the ЕP group

According to the test to determine readiness for training 
for tasks with the choice of one correct answer for tasks with the choice of one or more correct answers

scientific and pedagogical master's degree with Kazakh or Russian language of instruction (CT on a 150-point scale)

at least 75 points at least 25 points
at least 7 points at least 7 points at least 7 points

specialized master's degree with Kazakh, Russian or English language of instruction (CT on a 70-point scale)

at least 30 points at least 7 points at least 7 points

Persons entering the master's program in the period from August 25 to August 28 provide the university with a package of documents through the admissions committee.

Admission Committee

 Adress: Petropavlovsk, Zhumabayeva str. 114, academic building №6, 118 auditorium
 Telephone: 8 (7152) 493037
 Operating mode: from 9.00 to 18.00, during the reception of documents - seven days a week