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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
MF: Мәңгілік ел – моя страна!

В завершение празднования Дня благодарности медицинский факультет 28.02.2025 г. в УЛК в  организовал квест «Мәңгілік ел – моя страна! читать далее

28 February 2025
MF: Check out – Проверь себя!

Под девизом «Проверь себя!» 28.02.2025 г. в УК №2 прошла благотворительная акция, приуроченная к празднованию Дня благодарности, организов читать далее

28 February 2025
NSSF: День благодарности на ФИЭПе

28 февраля 2025 года на факультете истории, экономики и права прошли мероприятия, посвященные Дню благодарности. Заместитель декана по воспитательной читать далее

28 February 2025
ИСТФ: Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies at the open days in February!

The open days at Kozybayev University are very active! Schoolchildren actively participate in competitions, visit new laboratories of faculties with m читать далее

27 February 2025
NSSF: На ФИЭП прошли лекция и семинар по финансовой грамотности

24 февраля 2025 года на факультете истории, экономики и права состоялись мероприятия, посвященные вопросам финансовой грамотности. В качестве гостевог читать далее

26 February 2025
MF: Второй тур олимпиады на манекене "Харви"

На медицинском факультете в УЛК проведен второй тур Олимпиады  на манекене Харви. Манекен Харви воспроизводит все клинические находки при физикал читать далее

21 February 2025
MF: Благодарность без границ

  20.02.2025 года на кафедре «Клинических дисциплин» состоялся курсовой кураторский  час  «Благодарность без границ& читать далее

20 February 2025
MF: Олимпиада по клиническим дисциплинам «Future medicine»

С 07.02. по 14.02 на медицинском факультете была проведена олимпиада по клиническим дисциплинам «Future medicine». Основной целью Олимпиа читать далее

14 February 2025
MF: Кураторский час ко дню благодарения

Согласно плану мероприятий ко Дню Благодарности медицинского факультета, заведующий кафедрой «Фундаментальная медицина» Берденов Д.К. и п читать далее

13 February 2025
Читать все

The scientific-research work of students

Dear students!

If you want to become competent specialists, fluent in new equipment and technologies, to create new scientific theories, technologies, to show yourself in creativity - you have a direct path to the student’s research work. What it is? SRW is a research work of students.

The research work of students is aimed at the formation of students' skills in research work, the development of creative initiative and the ability to put into practice the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

The organization of a student’s research work, along with the educational process of the university, is an essential component of the professional training of specialists as competent, creative individuals capable of independent research activities aimed at analyzing and solving professional problems, and the successful application of scientific knowledge in practical activities.

A modern material base has been created at the university, allowing students to conduct research on modern equipment in departments, in research centers and research laboratories, where they conduct independent research and under the supervision of faculty. The results of these studies in many cases are the basis for new research work, term papers and dissertations.

The university has student scientific societies (SSS), circles, clubs, which serve as the initial stage for professional development in the intellectual field of a student as a scientist.

In order to attract students to conduct research and scientific activities, conferences, competitions, contests, exhibitions of scientific works of university students are held annually. Students write articles, essays, make presentations at scientific conferences, seminars.

The best students and undergraduates taking an active part in SRW are awarded with diplomas or diplomas.

Diplomas received by the results of the republican contest of scientific - research works of students on natural, technical, socio-humanitarian and economic sciences

Diplomas received as a result of participation of students of NKU in the Republican subject Olympiads in universities of Kazakhstan

Students scientific societies (SSS) in 2024-2025 academic year

Recommendations of organization and passage of yearly contest of scientific-research works of students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan