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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News

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11 September 2024
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The Club of Cheerful and Sharp-witted in M. Kozybaev NKU

The Club of Cheerful and Sharp - witted (KVN) is one of the unique projects currently being shown on television and attracting public attention. This game, which has won the hearts of many young people, does not require advertising, on the contrary, Club of Cheerful and Sharp - witted is engaged in advertising. The main feature is that his work is relevant to the realities of life, politics and society in General, and that it meets the needs of the modern population. The game is a center for creative youth that covers various genres of stage culture and art, including dance, song, facial expressions, speech, and thought.

         Our achievements:

  • Participation of the "Oyan Kazakh" team in the open Republican festival "Zhaydarman".
  • In 2014, they was invited to the Kazakhstan League in Karaganda and the Kazakhstan Premier League in Astana.
  • Team 7 UP "KVN" reached the final of the regional KVN League "Irtysh" in 2016.
  • The team "5 zhanalyk" in 2017 Regional Champions "Zhardarman" Kyzylzhar.
  • 2018 Team "5 zhanalyk" Finalists of one quarter of the Republican Premier League in Almaty.
  • The team "5 zhanalyk" is the Finalists of the First Republican League of 2019 in Kyzylorda.
  • 2019 team "NKSU Team" one-quarter Finalists of "Bas League" city of Almaty.

In the 2018/2019 season, the KVN "GB Trio" team was formed at the M. Kozybayev NKSU on the basis of two faculties of History, Economics and law, as well as Mathematics and Natural Sciences. In the same season, the team managed to become the champion of the KVN University league.
In parallel, the KVN team "GB Trio" performed in other leagues of Kazakhstan "Akmola KVN League", as well as in the Official MS KVN League "Bas League", but due to lack of experience, the team dropped out of the official league at the semi-final stage, and in the Akmola League successfully reached the final, and took the honorable 3rd place.
In the same 2018-2019 season, the team took the small cup of the Akim of the city of Kokshetau. Furthermore the team received an invitation to one of the leading official Leagues of the MS KVN in Surgut, where the editors were the champion of the Highest League Nikolay Arkhipenko and twice a finalist in the KVN Andrey Babich. At the festival in Surgut, the team demonstrated an excellent level of humor and won that game. And during the season they showed high marks and successfully reached the final.

In the 2019/2020 season, the GB Trio team, as part of the regional team, received an invitation to the Republican television "Bas League" of KVN. At the end of the season, North Kazakhstan managed to win bronze medals.It should be noted that more than 90 teams from each region of the country came to the festival "Bas League" of the International KVN Union. 25 teams got into the TV version of the festival. According to the decision of the experts, 15 of the strongest teams of Kazakhstan were selected for the season. In the season, our guys played 5 games, where they successfully reached the finals.

Achievements of the GB Trio team:

  • Champions of the KVN University League of NKSU (2018)
  • Champions of the KVN League "Na Esile" (2018), (2019)
  • Participants of the KVN Bas League (2019), Almaty
  • Winners of the small cup of Akim, Akmola region (2019), Kokshetau
  • Bronze medalists of the Akmola KVN League (2019), Kokshetau
  • Winners of the festival of the New KVN League, Nursultan (2019)
  • Winners of the Cup of the Akim of Petropavlovsk, (2019), (2020)
  • Participants of the Akim's Cup of Almaty, (2020)
  • Finalists of the Official League of KVN MS, "Northern Landing" (2020), Surgut
  • Bronze medalists of the KVN Bas League (2020), Almaty

This year our team is going to go to the "Bas League" again, this time for championship medals.

In 2021, the team will take part in one of the leading leagues in Russia, the Central League of KVN Asia in the city of Krasnoyarsk, the editors of the team will be the champion and editor of the highest league Dmitry Shpenkov and Valery Ravdin, the champion of the highest league, and the editor of the premier League of KVN.

In addition to all this, the team develops the KVN movement in the region.  In November 2019, the team founded the Open KVN League "Na Esile", which games are held in Petropavlovsk. And they cover about 200 young people of the North Kazakhstan region. The KVN League festival "Na Esile" of the 2021 season is planned to be held in May. All information on the news from the KVN League and KVN region on the official Instagram page @kvnnaesile

We wish guys good luck, creative success and great victories!!!

For questions, contact the educational building No. 1, 109 office.

Contact details: Zarif Ayan Askarovich– 8 708 697 5529

University League KVN Festival 2020-2021


2020 year

2019 year

2016 year

2015 year

2014 year

2013 year

2012 year