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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
NSSF: На ФИЭП-е прошел конкурс «MISS TEACHER»

6 марта 2025 года Кафедра «Журналистики и социальных наук» провела конкурс «MISS TEACHER», посвященый Международному женскому читать далее

06 March 2025
NSSF: На ФИЭП-е открыт уголок военной прокуратуры Петропавловского гарнизона

5 марта 2025 года в библиотеке Северо-Казахстанского университета имени М. Козыбаева состоялось торжественное открытие информационного уголка военной читать далее

06 March 2025
MF: Мәңгілік ел – моя страна!

В завершение празднования Дня благодарности медицинский факультет 28.02.2025 г. в УЛК в  организовал квест «Мәңгілік ел – моя страна! читать далее

28 February 2025
MF: Check out – Проверь себя!

Под девизом «Проверь себя!» 28.02.2025 г. в УК №2 прошла благотворительная акция, приуроченная к празднованию Дня благодарности, организов читать далее

28 February 2025
NSSF: День благодарности на ФИЭПе

28 февраля 2025 года на факультете истории, экономики и права прошли мероприятия, посвященные Дню благодарности. Заместитель декана по воспитательной читать далее

28 February 2025
ИСТФ: Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies at the open days in February!

The open days at Kozybayev University are very active! Schoolchildren actively participate in competitions, visit new laboratories of faculties with m читать далее

27 February 2025
NSSF: На ФИЭП прошли лекция и семинар по финансовой грамотности

24 февраля 2025 года на факультете истории, экономики и права состоялись мероприятия, посвященные вопросам финансовой грамотности. В качестве гостевог читать далее

26 February 2025
MF: Второй тур олимпиады на манекене "Харви"

На медицинском факультете в УЛК проведен второй тур Олимпиады  на манекене Харви. Манекен Харви воспроизводит все клинические находки при физикал читать далее

21 February 2025
Читать все

Announcements on the competition of academic titles

05.02.2025 Information about the applicant for the assignment of the academic title of associate professor (docent) in the specialty 60100 "History and Archeology"

09.01.2025 Information about the applicant for the assignment of the academic title of associate professor (docent) in the specialty 60200 - Language and literature

22.11.2024 Information about the applicant for the assignment of the academic title of associate professor (docent) in the specialty 50300 "Education"

28.08.2024 Information about the applicant for the academic title of professor in specialty 20400 "Chemical Engineering"

11.06.2024 Information about the applicant for the academic title of associate professor (associate professor) in the specialty 40201 - Livestock and Animal Science

22.05.2024 Information about the applicant for the assignment of the academic title of professor in the specialty 10300 - Chemical Sciences

30.06.2023 Information about the applicant for the assignment of the academic title of professor in the specialty 10300 - Chemical Sciences

16.06.2023 Information about the applicant for the assignment of the academic title of associate professor (associate professor) in the specialty 20200 - Electrical Engineering, electronics, information technology

12.04.2023 Information about applicants awarding an academic title in the specialty 08.00.00 - Economics

02/08/2021 Information about the applicant for the assignment of the academic title of professor in the specialty 10.02.00-Linguistics

02/02/2021 Information about the applicant for the assignment of the academic title of Associate professor (Associate professor) in the specialty 06.01.00 - Agronomy

12/14/2020 Information about the applicant for the assignment of the academic title of Associate professor (Associate professor) in the specialty 10.02.02 - Kazakh language

11/26/2020 Information about the applicant for the assignment of the academic title of Associate professor (Associate professor) in the specialty 02.00.00 - Chemistry

10/23/2020 Information about the applicant for the assignment of the academic title of Associate professor (Associate professor) in the specialty 05.02.00 - Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science

10/13/2020 Information about applicants for the assignment of the academic titles of Associate professor (Associate professor) in the specialties 05.11.00 - Instrumentation, metrology and information-measuring devices and systems, 05.12.00 - Radio engineering and communications

07/10/2020 Information about the applicant for the assignment of the academic title of Associate Professor (Associate Professor) in the specialty 25.05.00 - Geography

05/25/2018 Information about applicants for the assignment of academic titles of professor in the specialty 05.11.00 - Instrumentation, metrology and information-measuring instruments and systems

11/29/2016 Information about applicants for the assignment of academic titles of professor in the specialties 10.02.02 - Kazakh language, 10.01.00 - Literary criticism