For the first time, the Dissertation Council for three specialties (6D071200 Mechanical Engineering, 6D071900 Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, 6D075100 Computer Science, Computer Technology and Management, 6D071800 Electric Power Engineering) was established at the University in 2017.
In may, 2019 by order of the Chairman of the Committee for control in sphere of education and science MES RK in M. Kozybayev NKU open Dissertation Councils for specialties:
1. 8D07103(6D071800) Elecric Power Engineering, 8D07101 (6D071200) Mechanical Engineering.
Chairman of the Council – Associate professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Savinkin Vitaly Vladimirovich
Deputy Chairman – Associate professor, PhD, Ratushnaya Tatiana Yurievna.
2. 8D06201 (6D071900) Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, 8D06101 (6D075100) Computer Science, Computer Technology and Management.
Chairman of the Council – Doctor of technical sciences Demyanenko Alexander Valentinovich
Deputy Chairman - Professor, Doctor of technical sciences Savostin Alexey Alexandrovich
By order of the Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 14, 2023 No. 344, a dissertation council was opened at M. Kozybayev NKU on the specialty:
3. 8D07102 Chemical technology of organic substances
Chairman of the Council – Professor, PhD, Head of the Chemistry and chemical technologies Department Duryagina Antonina Nikolaevna
Deputy Chairman – Candidate of сhemical sciences, Professor Masalimova Bakytgul Kabykenovna