Член Правления по воспитательным, социальным вопросам и взаимодействию с работодателями Азамат Жикеев принял участие в брифинге Региональной службы коммуникаций СКО «Новые возможности для молодежи на государственной службе». Он сообщил, что Kozybayev University, согласно рейтингу НПП «Атамекен» последние 5 лет входит в десятку лучших вузов страны. ...
13 June 2024Наши студенты вернулись из ОАЭ. Там Мейіргүл Нұржан, Александр Шабанов, Камила Закирина и Сәнжан Нұрмұханбет презентовали свой научный стартап инвесторам в Дубае. Эта возможность появилась у ребят благодаря занятому второму месту на республиканском хакатоне ReCodeTau, где призом стала оплачиваемая поездка. Также поддержку оказал Kozybayev Universi...
12 June 2024Сегодня в летней языковой школе прошли занятия на тему" Суюнші", " Сүйінші сұрау". Сүйінші означает «радуйтесь, ликуйте». Сүйінші сұрау в буквальном переводе означает «просить о радости». Сообщившего добрую новость принято одаривать подарками. Урок был проведен со студентами, обучающиеся по специальности "Учитель начальных классов". Занятие проводи...
14 June 2024Тема летней языковой школы на этой неделе: "Преподавание казахского языка через традиции и обычаи". Сегодня, 10 июня, прошел познавательный урок на тему «Шашу – ритуал, совершаемый в счастливые минуты». В нем приняли участие студенты 3 курса педагогического факультета. В ходе урока студенты поделились своим мнением об особенностях и значимости тр...
12 June 2024The MBA program - Master of Business Administration - opened at Kozybayev University in partnership with Almaty Management University (AlmaU) a year ago. It is designed for senior and middle-level managers, business owners. The duration of the program is 2 years. The program is adapted to the conditions of the Kazakhstani market. It is taught by fa...
06 June 2024A solemn award ceremony for the professor of the Department of Physical Education, Honored Coach Victor Bondarenko, took place at the university. The badge of honor "Honored Sports Figure" from the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan was presented to him by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kozybayev University, Gal...
05 June 2024A delegation from the University of Arizona has arrived at the university, with which Kozybayev University has joint dual-degree programs in biotechnology, information systems, and inclusive education. This collaboration allows for expanding their list of programs and initiating joint research. One of its vectors will be research within the framewo...
05 June 2024На первой неделе языковой школы были проведены следующие мероприятия: 1. Студенты первого курса ФИЦТ и АФ участвовали в открытом диалоге на тему "Национальные казахские игры - полезное с приятным".2. По дням были распределены соревнования по казахским национальным играм как "Асық", "Сақина салу", "Тоғызқұмалақ" итд. Было очень интересно и познова...
18 June 2024Our athletes participated in the Republican Student Sports League 2024 held at Nazarbayev University, Astana. The teams competed with 54 university teams in Kazakhstan. Kozybayev University athletes competed in swimming, traditional Kazakh wrestling (kazaksha kures), kickboxing, and basketball. Our swimmers won the most medals. Among women, Myrosl...
30 May 2024The challenge "Tarihi Sana - Myzғymas Bіrlіk - Kemel Keleshқek" was initiated by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan department at Kozybayev University as part of the activities of the Association of Departments of the APK "Shanyrak". The challenge took place over the course of a month. It was dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Victims ...
29 May 2024We congratulate the students who became winners and prize-winners of the republican olympiads in various fields, as well as their teachers! At the Republican Subject Olympiad at the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, students of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food took third place in educational programs: - "Technology of livestock pro...
28 May 2024A training on providing first aid was conducted by the faculty members of the Medical Faculty at Kozybayev University, including doctors of the highest and first categories, Marzhan Koyshina, Indira Alexeyenko, and Olga Shilkina, for PPP (Pedagogical and Professional Staff) and employees. The event took place in the new laboratory of the Medical Fa...
27 May 2024Five master's students from the Northwest University of Agriculture and Forestry in China have arrived for a research internship at Kozybayev University. They will be staying with us for three months. The main goal is to conduct research within the framework of the open collaboration with the Chinese partner university Agrotechnopark. Seeds of pota...
22 May 2024John Johnlian, a professor from the Northwest University of Agriculture and Forestry in China, conducted a seminar at Kozybayev University for faculty and students of the Agrotechnological Faculty. He introduced the audience to the activities of his alma mater and shared information about the research he is conducting with his colleagues. The Nort...
21 May 2024For 10 years, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Department at Kozybayev University has been celebrated. Over these years, it has become a platform for cultural dialogue, fostering tolerant interethnic relations, understanding, and trust within the university and beyond. The department has been successful in addressing issues related to culti...
17 May 2024The winners of the competition for scientific projects funded by the Chairman of the Board - Rector's grant have been announced. This competition, organized by the Department of Science and the Council of Young Scientists at Kozybayev University, provides a unique opportunity for talented young researchers to showcase their work and receive financi...
16 May 202414 мая 2024 года, в 10.30, в 115 аудитории учебного корпуса №1 состоится расширенное заседание кафедры «Химия и химические технологии» Северо-Казахстанского университета им. М. Козыбаева. ПОВЕСТКА ДНЯ: 1. Обсуждение диссертационных работ докторанта кафедры «Химия и химические технологии» факультета математики и естественных наук Северо-...
25 April 2024The team of decathletes from Kozybayev University's sports club brought home 9 medals from the Summer Championship of Kazakhstan in decathlon held in Aktau. Third-year student Nikita Izotov won the Caspian Half Marathon and three gold medals: in pentathlon, triathlon, and overall championship. It is worth noting that Nikita is a World Championship...
13 May 2024В рамках акции "Бір ел- бір кітап" в 2024 году принято предложение о чтении произведений выдающегося писателя, классика детской литературы, 100-летие которой будет отмечаться в рамках ЮНЕСКО, казахского писателя Бердибека Сокпакбаева.В мероприятии приняли участие преподаватели кафедры «Практический казахский язык» СКУ им. М.Козыбаева, сотрудники б...
16 May 2024A solemn event dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day and Victory Day took place at the university's military department. Currently, 119 students are studying here. Training is underway for reserve sergeants with a year-long training in marksmanship, as well as officers in combat application of combined arms units, parts, and formations, plann...
07 May 2024The document is aimed at developing partnerships in the fields of education, professional activities, and public engagement. This will strengthen efforts in the employment of our graduates, organizing student internships, as well as career guidance. Furthermore, exchange of experiences and knowledge will be facilitated through participation in join...
06 May 2024