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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

Vacant grants of M. Kozybayev NKU

По итогам зимней экзаменационной сессии 2024 - 2025 уч. года

О проведении конкурса на присуждение вакантных образовательных грантов, высвободившихся в процессе получения высшего и послевузовского образования по результатам зимней экзаменационной сессии 2024-2025 учебного года

По итогам летней экзаменационной сессии 2023 - 2024 уч. года

Order on the award of vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining higher education following the results of the summer examination session of the 2023-2024 academic year Order No. DO-410 dated 03.10.2024

Список вакантных грантов по состоянию на 22.07.2024

О проведении конкурса на присуждение вакантных образовательных грантов, высвободившихся в процессе получения высшего и послевузовского образования по итогам летней экзаменационной сессии 2023-2024 учебного года

По итогам зимней экзаменационной сессии 2023 - 2024 уч. года

О проведении конкурса на присуждение вакантных образовательных грантов, высвободившихся в процессе получения высшего и послевузовского образования по итогам зимней экзаменационной сессии 2023-2024 учебного года

Список вакантных грантов по состоянию на 28.12.2023

Based on the results of the 2022 - 2023 academic year's summer examination session

Приказ о присуждении вакантных образовательных грантов, высвободившихся в процессе получения высшего или послевузовского образования по итогам летней экзаменационной сессии 2022-2023 учебного года Приказ №ДО-370 от 04.10.2023г.

List of vacant grants as of 14.07.2023

About holding a competition for awarding vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining higher and postgraduate education based on the results of the summer examination session of the 2022-2023 academic year

Based on the results of the 2022 - 2023 academic year's winter examination session

Order on awarding vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining higher or postgraduate education following the results of the winter examination session of the 2021-2022 academic year Order No. FT-92 of 10.03.2023

List of vacant grants as of 27.12.2022

About holding a competition for awarding vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining higher and postgraduate education on 27.12.2022

Based on the results of the 2021 - 2022 academic year's summer examination session

Order on awarding vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining higher or postgraduate education following the results of the summer examination session of the 2021-2022 academic year Order No. FT-368 of 15.11.2022

About holding a competition for awarding vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining higher and postgraduate education on 01.07.2022

List of vacant grants as of 01.07.2022

Based on the results of the 2021 - 2022 academic year's winter examination session

Order on awarding vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining higher or postgraduate education following the results of the winter examination session of the 2021-2022 academic year Order No. FT-104 of 03.18.2022

The list of applicants recommended for the award of vacant educational grants released in the course of training following the results of the summer examination session of the 2021-2022 academic year

About holding a competition for awarding vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining higher and postgraduate education on 12.27.2021

List of vacant grants as of 11.01.2022

List of applicants for vacant educational grants based on the results of the winter examination session of the 2021-2022 academic year