The document is aimed at developing partnerships in the fields of education, professional activities, and public engagement. This will strengthen efforts in the employment of our graduates, organizing student internships, as well as career guidance. Furthermore, exchange of experiences and knowledge will be facilitated through participation in join...
06 May 2024The Faculty of Agrotechnology at Kozybayev University has signed a trilateral memorandum with the University of Arizona (USA, Tucson) and the Northwest A&F University (China, Yangling) to establish an International Scientific Center for Water Resources. The partner universities are located in regions with similar climatic conditions (low precipitat...
06 May 2024The largest regional tournament in Kazakh traditional wrestling "Kyzylzhar Barysy-2024" took place at the A. Vinokurov Sports Palace. Thirty-two wrestlers participated, including students from our university. Following the competition, first-year student of the Faculty of Education Adlet Murzash secured second place and a prize of 300,000 tenge! H...
06 May 2024On the eve of the 79th anniversary of Victory Day, the Department of Foreign Languages held a video contest in English, in which 1st year students of non-linguistic specialties AF, PF, FDE, FMNS, ILL took part. In their videos, students talk about the glorious military path not only of their relatives and fellow countrymen, as well as prominent p...
10 June 2024Kozybayev University has received 5 tons of humanitarian aid from AlmaU, the management of the university in Almaty. It will be directed to the staff and educators of our university who have been affected by the flood. Food products, warm clothing, electric kettles, medications, cleaning supplies, sleeping bags, rubber boots, vests, and much more ...
03 May 2024The second job fair for this academic year took place at Kozybayev University. This time it was organized for graduates with pedagogical specialties. They are studying at three faculties and the Institute of Language and Literature. These are future teachers in natural science, mathematical, and humanitarian fields, educators, defectologists, and o...
30 April 202430 апреля 2024 года на кафедре «Строительство и дизайн» открыта инсталляция, посвященная «Дню Победы». Инсталляция создана студентами - дизайнерами и старшим преподавателем кафедры Поповой Ю.А. и Мицих Д.Т.. Они сгорают в огне нашей памяти И уже не забудет никто, Боль победы, утраты и горечи Дети их пронесут сквозь года... ...
01 May 2024On April 28, the department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" turned 10 years old. It was created one of the first in the republic and became a part of the NGO "Association of Departments of the APK "Shanyrak". The main purpose of the department is to promote the preservation of social harmony and the process of forming a civil identity, a co...
29 April 2024"Man has a natural aspiration to rise. And if I am not a climber, I do not conquer mountain peaks, then I have the opportunity to conquer the peaks of knowledge. And to serve humanity with this," is how Andrei Solodovnik answers the question about choosing a scientific path, which he has been successfully following for more than 40 years. The high...
29 April 2024Кафедра «Строительство и дизайн» поздраявляет заведующую кафедрой Шапореву Анну Васильевну с успешной защитой докторской диссертации на тему: «Разработка автоматизированной системы оценки качества обеспечения и организации учебного процесса при дистанционной технологии обучения» по специальности 6D075100 – «Информатика, вычислительная техника и упр...
30 April 2024The purpose of the event was to promote healthy lifestyle among students, form a priority direction in sports, strengthen their own health and popularize health-improving types of gymnastics. The Health Festival has been held at the University since 2003 by the Department of Physical Education. Competitions, as well as demonstrations, always remain...
26 April 2024A low-power solar and wind power station has been installed on the Kozybayev University campus near Dormitory №3. It is designed to convert wind and solar energy into electricity. This is one of the most environmentally friendly ways to get it. The project is being implemented by a team of seniors of FEDT Diana Nurmakanova and Dias Kusainov under t...
26 April 2024Today, during the day, teachers, staff and students cleaned the campus of last year's leaves and debris. The territory was refined near each building and dormitories, as well as a swimming pool, an observatory, a health center, and a museum. The team came out with a good mood and a clear understanding that this work is necessary for our common home...
25 April 2024On April 25, 2024, a regional conference dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the Jochi Ulus, "Jochi Ulus through the prism of spiritual Rebirth", was held. The conference was attended by teaching staff and students of the Department of ICiSGD University, history teacher of the Academy of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan Lieutenant...
26 April 202425 апреля 2024 года прошла Олимпиада по дисциплине «Инженерная механика 1» В Олимпиаде приняли участие студенты групп: С-22; С-22к – всего – 25 человек. В течение двух академических часов студенты решали задачи по следующим темам: 1)«Построение эпюр изгибающих моментов и поперечных сил в изгибаемой статически определимой системе»; 2) «Построен...
14 May 2024Научно-практическая конференция «Инженерная механика от А до Я» проходила в 12.50, 25апреля 2024г.в в ауд.16/6. На конференции прозвучали доклады о великих ученых – основателях науки о механике; о правилах инженерной механики в архитектурных памятниках девятнадцатого века; о применении расчетно-аналитических программ для решения задач инженерной м...
14 May 2024On April 24, 2024, a regional online student scientific and practical conference "Youth - the future of the country" was held on the Zoom platform in three languages among students of non-linguistic specialties.Participants: students of NKU named after M. Kozybaev and Petropavlovsk College of Mechanical Engineering and Transport named after Baiken...
10 June 2024The university hosted a futsal tournament among first-year students dedicated to the International Day of Sport for development and peace. This holiday provides an opportunity to demonstrate the important role of sports and physical activity in people's lives. Teams from all university’s faculties took part in the competition. The boys competed in ...
24 April 2024On April 23, 2024, the Department of Foreign Languages held a regional scientific and methodological seminar for teachers and teachers of the English language of schools, colleges and universities on the topic: "Topical issues of teaching English as a foreign language" as part of the international scientific and practical conference "Modern parad...
10 June 2024The University hosted the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern paradigm of theoretical and methodological aspects of the study of languages and literature". Scientists from Kazakhstan, Turkey, the USA, Russia, and Uzbekistan took part in it. More than 100 articles were presented. The speakers raised 2 topics: topical issues of ...
23 April 2024Scholars from Petropavlovsk, Almaty, Istanbul, Elista, Ufa, and other cities discussed universal and local features in toponymy, folklore studies, and ethnoculturology in the transboundary space at the university. The international scientific and practical conference served as a platform for dialogue. Philologists, folklorists, local historians, an...
23 April 2024On April 23, 2024, the department of “Russian Language and Literature” held an international scientific and practical conference on the topic “Modern paradigm of theoretical and methodological aspects of the study of languages and literature” under the chairmanship of Svetlana Viktorovna Misyachenko, head of the department of “Russian Language an...
02 May 202423.04.24.в рамках Международной конференции старший преподаватель кафедры «Практический казахский язык» Баенина Н.М. провела открытый урок со студентами группы ИЯ-23 и Фил-23 на тему «Социальные сети». Используя инновационные методы и приемы обучающиеся с интересом участвовали на уроке демонстрируя свои знания. На занятии применялись такие методы к...
28 April 2024The Polyathlon World Championship was held in Mogilev (Belarus). Two students of Kozybayev University took part in the competition. Nikita Izotov (PEIMT-21) in the age of 21-23 years, took 2nd place. He scored just one point less than the world champion. Nikita set personal best in shooting, scoring 98 points out of 100. Also, an important achievem...
22 April 2024Last week, the first winners of the Republican Student Subject Olympiads in the educational program groups were announced. Our students won prizes in the following directions: 1."Preparation of biology teachers" – Erkezhan Abisheva and Danel Tokpaev (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) – 3rd place in the team standings (supervisor Nusupov...
22 April 2024