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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Конституция – незыблемая основа государства

В Kozybayev University прошел региональный круглый стол, посвященный Дню Конституции Республики Казахстан. В мероприятии приняли участие представители местных исполнительных органов и партии «AMANAT», депутаты городского маслихата и профессорско-преподавательский состав вуза. Они рассмотрели основные вопросы конституционного развития страны в конте...

01 September 2022
70-летие профессора Анатолия Плешакова

В этом году 70-летие заслуженного профессора Кozybayev University, кандидата исторических наук, археолога Анатолия Плешакова совпало с 55-летием Северо-Казахстанской археологической экспедиции. Круглый стол «Археология – мост истории, проходящий через века и поколения: профессия и судьба», состоявшийся в университете, начался с чествования Анатоли...

22 August 2022
Более 1000 студентов получили бесплатное образование

Получение государственного образовательного гранта – заветная мечта каждого абитуриента. В этом году в Kozybayev University их счастливыми обладателями стали более 1000 человек. Особенность этого года - возможность ребят обучаться бесплатно по международным двудипломным программам, совместным с Университетом Аризоны. «Эта программа новая, мы ее то...

15 August 2022
Историк Ильяс Козыбаев в Kozybayev University

Вуз посетил известный ученый, доктор исторических наук Ильяс Козыбаев. Он является сыном М.К. Козыбаева, имя которого  с 2003 года с гордостью носит наш университет. Ильяс Манашевич встретился с руководством  университета. Перспективы развития Kozybayev University, модернизация образовательных программ и студенческого кампуса, открытие нового учебн...

03 August 2022
Гран-при на фестивале «Climate week»

Студенты АФ и ФМЕН приняли участие в ежегодном фестивале «Climate week» в Nazarbayev University. Он собрал молодежь из разных уголков Казахстана и был направлен на популяризацию тем устойчивого развития, в частности, геоэкологических проблем и экологического природопользования. Мероприятие посетили 15 команд.  В составе сборной нашей альма-матер -...

01 August 2022
Церемония вручения дипломов 2022

Взмывающие в небо конфедератки, мелькающие тут и там студенты в мантиях, море цветов, слезы радости на глазах родителей. Все это церемония «Class of 2022»! В течение трех дней в актовом зале главного корпуса счастливые выпускники получали «заветные корочки». А их  родители, друзья  и близкие на  центральной площади кампуса на LED-экранах могли в пр...

15 July 2022
Изучаем IT направление с университетом Аризоны

В Kozybayev University совместно с Университетом Аризоны открыта еще одна востребованная международная образовательная программа – «Информационные системы». Запросы на обучение по IT направлению часто приходили от абитуриентов, желающих поступить на двудипломные программы в наш вуз. Об этом рассказали на брифинге в Региональной службе коммуникаци...

14 July 2022
Accreditation has completed successfully!

In May, the procedure for accreditation of educational programs took place at Kozybayev University. The assessment was carried out by the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) and the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA). The examination covered 28 educational programs of bachelor's, master's and doctoral st...

05 July 2022
Support for young scientists is one of the important priorities of the university

6 young scientists of our university became the winners of the competition for the grant of the Board Chairman - Rector and received 300,000 tenge each for the development of research activities! During the year, they will need to write 2 articles on the topic of their project in publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Ed...

04 July 2022
Magzhan’s readings - 2022

Magzhan Zhumabayev is a famous poet, educator, public figure who fought for the freedom of his people. Kozybayev University pays great attention to the study of the works of our famous countryman. This year we celebrate the 129th anniversary of his birth. As part of this event, the university hosted an international scientific and practical confere...

16 June 2022
Particular attention to future teachers

Another interesting meeting took place at the university. This time it was the meeting of the students of the pedagogical direction with the director of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Petropavlovsk Daniyar Ualiyev. They discussed various topics in the field of education: from the personal professional path to the importance of a teacher in t...

16 June 2022
For practical training to the Charyn Canyon and Burabay

The students of the department "Geography and Ecology" did not miss this opportunity to mix business with pleasure and went to offsite practical training in Almaty and Burabay. Future teachers of geography observed the landscape change of natural areas in the Charyn Canyon, the Ile-Alatau National Park, and the Kapchagai Reservoir. In the southern ...

15 June 2022
Students master IT technologies in the agricultural sector

The teachers and students of the Agrotechnological Faculty have met with representatives of the IT company Egistic. This company is developing an online farm management system that is designed for agronomists, and farmers who want to make it easier to control their crops. Now the system is used by more than 100 agricultural enterprises in Kazakhsta...

15 June 2022
Winning the International Competition

Nur-Sultan hosted the International contest "II International book publication of the CIS countries "The best teacher - 2022". This unique project aims to promote science and personal successes of scientific and pedagogical workers of the CIS and Europe. Diploma of I degree and breastplate medal was awarded to the head of the department of "Pedago...

06 June 2022
IQAA experts conducted accreditation

The university completed the work of three expert groups of the Independent Quality Assurance Agency (IQAA). Their task was to assess nine educational programs for compliance with the accreditation standards: 1. Economics in business 2. Financial analysis 3. Economics 4. Management 5. Management (master's program) 6. Chemical Technology of Or...

03 June 2022
New trends in foreign language teaching

Our university hosted an international scientific and practical conference for foreign language teachers "Transition from Online Education to Traditional Education: Application of Distance Learning Strategies in the Classroom. The event was organized in cooperation with the National Association of Teachers of English of Kazakhstan "KazTEA" and the ...

02 June 2022
Children in a World of Science

Kozybayev University and the Palace of Schoolchildren gave a real holiday on Children's Day to young people in North Kazakhstan. This is how the organizers strive to popularize science and support young researchers. There were organized master classes, competitions in robotics and chess, intellectual and cognitive virtual games. Children were able ...

01 June 2022
Work continues on the accreditation of educational programs

Representatives of the Independent Quality Assurance Agency for Education (IQAA) came to Kozybayev University for an external audit. Two expert groups for two days evaluated five educational programs: • PR journalism • Public administration • Defectology (speech therapy) • Cultural and leisure work • Foreign Philology The algorithm of the evaluat...

01 June 2022
It's easy to practice abroad!

Agrotechnological faculty students and master's students have been using this opportunity for more than 10 years. They regularly go to practice in European countries. Meet Shugaiyp Kaparov, a 3rd year student of "Agronomy" major. Now he is doing an internship at Biohof Elfrich farm in Munsterland (Germany). The agricultural company is one of the mo...

31 May 2022
Discussed the upcoming referendum

The university held a meeting of deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerlik Tayzhanov and Dmitriy Koloda with the management and teaching staff of the university to explain the constitutional reform. The forthcoming referendum is an important element of the democratic transformation of the state. The Constitutio...

27 May 2022
Competition in the pool among visitors

3,000 people visit the Kozybayev University swimming pool every month. In addition to our students and employees, they are also citizens. Every day from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. children (ages 7 and up) and adults come. Here you can learn to swim or improve your ability to stay afloat. Test their strength and compete for prizes this time our visitors. The ...

27 May 2022
The IAAR External Expert Commission has completed its work

During three days the members of the commission of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating verified the data presented in the reports on self-evaluation of educational programs. For this purpose, the experts interviewed the Chairman of the Board - Rector, met with the target groups: members of the Board, heads of structural units, deans...

26 May 2022
IAAR commission begins its work at the university

20 experts of the commission of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) started their work at Kozybayev University. They include foreign experts, employers, students and representatives of the academic community of Kazakhstan. Eight people together with the IAAR coordinator came to Kozybayev University to conduct offline accredit...

23 May 2022
Winners of the national RWS competition

The republican contest of students' research works is held annually by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. First there is an intra-university selection, then in the basic universities and the final stage - nationwide. This time four works of the students of the "Geography and Ecology" chair won prizes! - In the dir...

23 May 2022
“Сlean session” at the university

Another session at Kozybayev University was held in an open format. The exams were attended by outside observers and employees of the anti-corruption service. Also, according to a good tradition, there were volunteer proctors from among the students. Seventy guys were trained and monitored the observance of academic integrity. They checked the proc...

20 May 2022